Chapter 5

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I was beyond relief when I finally was dismissed from the table after the meal and was told to be sent back to my chambers. Being in the same room as them all at once was like trying to breath in fire. Each one with their own reason's to hate one another. The only love displayed between any of them was Eris constant protection and defence of his mother. Even the other boys paid her no respect or dignity.

On finnishing his meal he stood, nodded to his father, and placed a kiss ontop her drab red hair. Her tired face once more smiling for a single moment. Other then Lucicen, her first born seemed to be the only one she cherished. The only one that had taken the sacrifies she's made and used them for the betterment of others. Even if he was arrogent.

Being in a forien court was enough to keep sleep from me as I lay in the bed. Hidden under thick blankets of wool, and silk. It wasn't that the bed wasn't comfratable, but it was not my bed.

That and my mind was worried that Niran may very well come sneeking in and try to harm me. The reason I now am clutching the Seraphin blade under the feathered pillows under my head. Wishing that I could trust to call upon my guards to protect me, but in this place they were most likely next to nothing.

As if some evil being decided that my situation wasn't already terrifying the door to my room opens. Only my sharp hearing being able to recondnize the creeking of wood over metal even when the hinges didn't creek.

Closing my eyes I try to steady my breathing, and heart beat. Slowing it so that the intruder might think I was asleep. Clutching the dagger a bit tighter to ensure my grip firm, and ready if they'd be stupid enough to attack.

They stop at the side of my bed. That burning glance I could feel over my back as they leaned over. It's most definatly the one of the Vanserra boys.

"As abmirable as it is that you were smart enough to keep a blade close you are terrible at pretending to be asleep", Eris murmurs into my ear and I feel myself curling away from him.

Sighing in both releif and annoyance I turn onto my back to look up at the sharp features of my future husband. Not such a bad view from down here.

Grumbling at the place my mind seemed to travel on it's own accord, I glare up at him as he grins while bent over me.

"If watching your females in their sleep is some sort of odd Autumn Court thing, I'm letting you know now that it is very creepy", I hiss up at him.

"No, it isn't", he answers simply.

"Then what are you doing here?", I ask. "Should we not be seeing eachother like this until the wedding?"

"I need to speak with you. Alone", this time his tone is stern. Leaving no room for humour or regection. Standing upright and making his way from my the bedroom and into the living area.

With sleep still not seeming like a possiblilty at all now I sigh and stand. Slipping on a pair of wool flats as I follow after him. Even down in the tunnels of the world it seems dark and cold. Leaving me shivering and holding my arms across my chest. I didn't have much else in nightgowns then the thin linnen material of my home court. Appearantly father only cared about my day wear.

It startled me at first when I came out of the room to find flames dancing in Eris' palm before he flicked it into the fireplace. The wood catching and bursting into flame. A moment later the room is warm and there is a steady crackling of wood.

I decide on sitting in one of the chairs placed infront of the fireplace. Curling my legs under myself to warm them as I watch him in the fire light.

The red and yellows seeping into the pail skin of his mother. He seemed to close his eyes for a moment taking in the sent of burning wood like a god with insence.

"What do you think of me?", he asks so quietly I almost didn't realize he had spoken until he looked at me. Expecting an answer.

"I - I don't know. I don't like making acsumptions before knowing someone", I admit as I rub my arm.

"Don't be niave with me. Everybody makes judgement on first meetings weather they edmit it or not", he hisses. "If you value your life in this court you will tell me the truth."

". . . Maybe if you weren't always looking for falsehoods in everyone you'd have realized that I'm not lying", it could have been the lack of sleep, the constant fear, or that we were alone, but I feel bolder. "I know what it's like when people look at me and see the helpless lamb with doe eyes and refuse to look past that. I may be kind, but that does not mean I don't have a momster crawling under my skin like everyone else Eris Vanserra."

He pauses and looks at me. The same way did when at the dinner table. Trying to pull my soul apart bit by bit to like a child with a bug who wants to know how it works.

"The rumours I have hurd of you are aweful. I hope most are untrue, but I'm not stupid enough to not see some truth in them, yes. That doesn't mean I am not willing to give you a chance to prove them wrong", I continue. "Actions are louder then words."

Again, he simply watches me as he leans against the mantle.

"You are a very odd creature, arn't you?", he finally decided as fact and smirks a bit. "You are the first female I have had this conversation with who neither faught nor fled. You're holding your grond. There may be some hope for you in serviving this."

Finally he comes to the cushioned chair beside me that is only seperated by a small tea table. Draging the patterned blanlet drapped over it and into his hands as he comes up behind me.

I move so I can watch him as he does so. He stops and holds up the blanket in both hands before lowering it over my shoulders.

"You looked cold", he says as he goes back to sit in the other chair. "I'd suggest getting some wool nightgowns.

The small act of kindness leaves me a bit speachless as I wrap the warm blanket around me. Looking at the same tired expression he also shared with his mother. Watching him again being so normal didn't really live up to the High Lords son that the world had painted in my head. They had made him out to be a vengeful god of war whole delighted in blood. Sitting here beside me was a male who had seen and felt too much, and wasn't sure where to put it.

"You do realize he wants me married to have something to leash me, right?", his eyes crackling in the firelight. "He so desperatly wants to have something to loose now that I am old enough, and skilled enough to surpass him. The bastard -. He wants me to grow attached so every time I step out of line all he would have to do is look in your direction and I will fall back into line."

"You're father seems to be the kind of male to do that", I nod as I huddle down into the blanket.

"I can't afford to be attached Melona", he mutters shakily. "I have to much to risk in trying to protect you."

"Well, at least you're honnest", I shiver "Eris?"

He turns to look at me coldly.

"Why haven't you killed your father yet?"

He doesn't answer. "I should let you get some sleep. I've come to say what I needed to."

"You don't need to leave. Even if you can't bring yourself to love me yet, I'd still like to know and talk with you", I offer.

"The less you know the better in this family", he mutters as he stands and leaves me there by the fire side. 

Embers and Ashes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें