Chapter 21

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   I’m terrified. I don’t want to bring Melona to Hedone. The Autumn Court’s Capital city. Known for it’s riches and lusters, but only those who lived there know that what it really is. A constant battle between wealth and family. Which is more important? A city filled with fae only ever looking for their own interests, or the benifit of their blood relatives.

   Even if I know Melona can protect herself physically. She is capable, but I have yet to see her deal with betrayal of the worst sort, of course, other then my own. How far will that forgiveness go?

   It’s like sending a dove into a fox den.

    “Excuse me Sir, is it possible for you to come back down here pay attention to what I’m asking?”, her words light but sarcastic.


   “Sorry, what was that Plum?”, I ask shaking my head, but smiling as her tenderness sweeps back over her features.

   “I was trying to ask you about the Firestone class. The ones that can control fire but aren’t royals and work as metal and glass workers. One of the highest ranks in employment, right?”, she says as if she’s already asked the question five time. A bit spicy.

   “Indeed it is”, I nod.

   “Hey”, she calls gently. “What’s the matter? You look. . . worried.”

   “I am”, I answer simply. “I don’t want you so close to my father, or my brothers for that matter. The Court is at it’s worst there and I’m not sure how well you are going to do here. This isn’t your home Court filled with pleasantries. Every moment of ever second here is a fight for power, for glory, and dominance. . . I might not always be there to protect you.”

    She sits there quietly for a while. Thinking and mulling over my worries. No promise of a playful retort. This is something she will be taking seriously.

    “I will be fine”, she offers a reassuring smile. “I’ll just not trust anyone until I can figure out their motives. I only trust you here anyway, and of your Mother.”

    Trust. There are not many in this world who have any sort of trust in me. Other then trusting that I had my own planes, and that I most likely have enough black mail to make their lives miserable. Coming from her it made me feel a serge of exultation, praised, and worthy of her. I want to be worth that trust. I want to be true to it. To not disappoint her.

    “Promise me, please promise me you will be careful”, I beg her softly.

    Smiling in that morning sun way he does she gets up from her seat across from me. Carefully turning in the cramped space of the carriage and sits next to me. Her hands turning my cheeks clade in silk gloves.

    “Promise”, she murmurs with a dazzling glow in her golden green hazel eyes. Leaning up to place a kiss on my lips that was softer then flower peddles.


The palace here wasn’t anything like the ancient one un the middle of the Autumn woods where we hold our meetings and events. This one is surrounded by a bustling city and is nearly half as big as the city itself. Towering five stories above ground while tunneling twenty stories into the ground. The home base where all other underground highways lead.

   The walls solid stone that towered over any standing structure and tree. So that all those in the city below could see was this monsters red face. With watchtowers guarded by soldiers and those with seer gifts at each of the points of the compass. Promising the fae that lived here that not only are they watching for enemies of other courts, but also looking for traitors within. 

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