Chapter 69 ~ Don't leave me

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Sofia's POV

Nick and I quietly sneak into Isla's hospital room, unnoticed by the hospital staff. As we walk in, we see Isla staring at a wall with tears dripping down her face. I look at Nick, who seems to be just as lost as I am on what to do or say. Not wanting to scare Isla, I clear my throat to get her attention.

She looks at the two of us for a brief second before covering her face. "L-leave please. I don't want to see anyone."

I look at Nick, ang give him a look. He nods at me and walks over to Isla and hugs her tightly but gentle enough not to hurt her. Isla struggles to get out of his grip, but my boyfriend refuses to let go.

"Just go." Isla whimpers. "Please just go. You don't really care about me. Chelsea's right."

I'm afraid she's going to anger Nick, especially with how his anger has been out of control the past few days, but as Nick pulls slightly away from her, there's no anger, just pain and confusion. "What is Chelsea right about, Isla?" Nick asks.

"She said that I ruined all of your lives and that, that y'all are just using me. It's my fault. It's all my fault. Leave. Please leave me." She starts crying.

Nick places his hand under Isla's chin and gently lifts her head until she's looking him in the eyes. "Do you really think that you ruined my life? Do you really think I'm using you? Do you really think that I don't care for you?"

"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know." Isla cries, pulling her head away from Nick. "There's so many thoughts in my head right now and it hurts."

"Isla, look at me." Nick says but she shakes her head at him. "Isla, look at me now." He says sternly. Isla slowly raises her head to make eye contact with him. "Isla, you didn't ruin my life. You gave me a life. Because of you I have a family, amazing friends, and a loving girlfriend. That was all because of you." Nick says with so much love in his voice. "Isla, if you really think I'm using you for your money, I'll pay you every cent back, but I'm not letting you disappear from my life. You're my sister now. I don't care if it's not by blood or legal paperwork, because in my heart, you are my sister. I love you. The past couple of days have been awful not knowing if you were going to be okay or not." Nick sighs. "Please Isla, I'm begging you, don't push me away."

Nick hugs Isla again. She doesn't fight him this time, but she doesn't hug him back. She just sat there in his arms. "D-do you m-mean it? Am I-I really f-family to you?" Tears are falling down Nick's face as he nods his head. Isla suddenly wraps her arms around him. "I'm s-sorry, Nick. I didn't m-meant it. I know you aren't using me. I love you too. You are my brother. Can you ever forgive me?"

Nick kisses her on the forehead. "There's nothing to forgive you for. The past few days have been really messed up and you were confused. As long as you are okay, I'm fine."

"Hey." I say as I wave my hand at the two of them. "Don't forget me. You still love me too, Isla, right?"

Isla nods her head and opens her arms, signaling for me to hug her. "I'm so glad the two of you are here." She whispers to us. As we pulled away, I handed her the stuffed cat that we had bought her. "Thank you so much. I love it." Nick and I both smile at each other, knowing that she truly does like the gift that we bought her.

"Do you want us to get the others?" I ask.

Isla violently shakes her head. "N-no. I d-don't want to see t-them. Especially H-Hayden and L-Luke."

"Why not?" Nick asks with confusion. "They really want to see you."

"No." She said sternly. "Maybe I haven't caused the two of your problems, but I have for everyone else. I know they hate me. I'm losing Luke as a friend because of my love for Hayden and I turned down Hayden, the love of my life, for my friendship with Luke. They hate me and there is nothing that the two of you can say to make me think otherwise."

Don't Give Up On Me ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant