Chapter 17 ~ I would take it all back if I could, but I can't

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Lucas' POV

I stand up and wipe the tears away from my eyes when I see Hayden and Nick come running towards me as I wait outside of Isla's hospital room. Before my brain can even register what has happened, I am clutching my bloody because Nick has punched me. "What the fuck are you doing here? I told you to stay away from her?" Nick growls. "What did you do to her now?"

"Seriously?" I scream at him while the blood is still pouring out of my nose. Does he honestly think I would hurt Isla? "What is your problem, Nick? I just came here to apologize to her. Do you really think I would physically try to hurt her?"

"I don't know what you are capable of anymore." He spats at me.

"We all need to calm down," Hayden says as he jumps in between us. "Lucas, what happened to Isla? You said it was an emergency."

As I open my mouth to tell them Kaira comes running up. "Hell! What happened to your nose, Lucas?"

Nick sees her and his whole-body tenses with anger. "Why the fuck are you here? Why are either of y'all here?" He hisses. "Haven't the two of you hurt her enough?" He points at me, "I thought you were supposed to be getting in Chelsea's pants," he then points at Kaira, "While you're kissing Chelsea's ass as one of her minions."

"I made a mistake, Nick." I scream. "I didn't sleep with her. We just made out. I love Isla, not Chelsea." I look over at Hayden and freeze for a moment. I wonder what that was about?

"You sure have a funny way of showing it." Nick laughs humorlessly.

"Enough!" Hayden voices over us. "Lucas, what happened to Isla?"

I fall back to the ground with my knees in my chest and put my hands around my head. "I don't know. We were just talking. I was in the middle of telling her something and her eyes rolled back into her head and all of her monitors started going off. The doctors kicked me out of the room and I immediately called y'all."

Hayden punches the wall. "Is she going to be okay? I should have skipped school and stayed with her." His chest huffs up and down. I've never seen Hayden so worked up before.

"I don't know, and you wouldn't have been able to do anything either." I whisper.

Nick, Hayden and Kaira start to take a seat by me when a nurse walks out. "Oh, young man, you're bleeding."

"Don't worry about me. How's Isla?" I say standing up not caring about the blood running down my face.

"I'm sorry but we are going to need the four of you to go to the waiting room. As of right now, I can't give you an update on her condition."

Kaira clutches my arm. "N-Nurse, is she g-going to be o-okay?"

The nurse gives us a sad look. "Kids, I really am sorry, but I can't give y'all any information at the moment. You will have to wait for the doctor to come and speak with y'all. Now please go and wait in the waiting room."

Hayden's eyes are bloodshot and his fist are in balls. "Thank you for your help." He says through grit teeth to the nurse before storming off to the waiting room. Nick follows Hayden but not before shoving me with his shoulder when he walks by. With tears still streaming down mine and Kiara's face, I escort her to the waiting room.

In the waiting room Nick is trying to console a very distraught Hayden. Kaira and I sit a few seats away from Nick and Hayden giving them space. They have made it very clear that they don't want us anywhere near them. I stare at my two ex-best friends as we wait to hear word on Isla's condition. I know that they are both friends with Isla, but Hayden's reaction to all of this seems so out of place. He's never been this upset over anything or anyone. Seeing him like this and knowing that he's been spending time alone with Isla is giving me an unsettling feeling in my stomach.

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