Chapter 53 ~ You could have killed me

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It's morning, and today is the day that Nick and I are going to go on a double date with Kilian and Isla, even if they don't know it's a date. Jumping out of bed I run to my restroom and quickly take care of my business. If my plan is going to work, we need to get out of the house before anyone else wakes up.

Once I'm dressed, I run to Nick's room and walk straight in. I don't feel the need to knock when I'm his girlfriend. It's still dark in his room and I have to wait until my vision focuses before I make my way to his bed. I crawl up on his bed and softly nudge him. "Nick, baby. Wake up." He grunts a little and rolls over. I don't have time to wake him up gently if I want my plan to work.

Hmmm... I tap my finger on my chin trying to think of how to wake him. I could throw water on him, but that would require too much effort for me. I don't want to go downstairs and get a glass to put water in. I could start kissing him, but I don't want to go there either. Suddenly the perfect idea pops into my head. I place one hand over his mouth and pinch his nose shut with my other hand. After a few seconds, his eyes pop open and shoves me off of him. "What the hell Sofia? Were you trying to kill me?" he growls.

I give him a sad face. "No, I wanted you to wake up, but you didn't want to wake up. I would never kill you. Unless you cheat on me, then I will kill you," I say. The last part sounds a bit crazy, but we've already gone over that, I'm a little crazy.

"First, Sofia I would never ever cheat on you. Second, that is no way to wake anyone up ever. Especially me, your amazing boyfriend. You could have killed me."

"Oh, shut up you, big baby."

"Sofia," he says sternly.

"Sorry." I pout and bat my eyelashes. "Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

He smirks. "A kiss could make it all better."

He closes his eyes as I lean in to kiss him, but right before my lips can touch his, I give his cheek a kiss instead.

"Baby, that not what I meant, and you know that," he whines.

I jump off his bed. "If you want a real kiss get up and get dressed. I want to go shopping."

"But it's so early."

"I don't care. I want to go shopping. Plus, Killian has been needing to go shopping too. I'm going to let him know we're leaving soon. I'm also going to ask Isla if she wants to go because I don't want to be the only girl." I smirk.

"Do you think any of the others will want to go with us?" Nick asks.

Of course, he would ask that. "Nick, I don't want to go with a huge crowd. Plus, when more than two of you guys go y'all always get us in trouble," I complain.

"Fine. Go talk to Killian and Sofia. I'll meet y'all downstairs."

I give him a quick peck on the cheek before running down the hall to Killian's room. Again, I don't bother knocking. He's my brother, I shouldn't have to knock. I walk into his room, but he isn't there. His bed doesn't look like it's been slept in. I guess he stayed in Isla's room. Hmmm. This is making my plan much easier than I thought.

I hop up the steps to her room. Once again, I don't knock. I shouldn't have too, she's my best friend. Okay, let's be honest it doesn't matter whose room it is, I refuse to knock. I'm always just going to walk straight in. If they don't want me to walk in because they're doing something, then they better lock their damn door.

I open the door to Sofia's room and squeal, "OMG! Y'all are so freakin cute together." See, this is what I was talking about, they should have locked the door. Isla and Killian both shoot up from the bed and I laugh as they fall to the floor and land on their asses. Isla seems to be surprised that Killian was in her bed with her.

Don't Give Up On Me ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora