Chapter 12 ~ It's lonely not having anyone

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Hayden's POV

It's been two weeks. Two fucking weeks since Isla found out about us living in foster care. Things have only gone from bad to worse. I have basically not spoken to Lucas or Nick at all. Isla hasn't been at school since her parents died, and even Kaira hasn't been around. I see how Isla feels now. It's lonely not having anyone. My plan for today is to talk to Lucas and Nick. We are supposed to be best friends. Best friends don't just give upon each other. I also need to talk to Isla and Kaira. I am really worried about Isla. Especially since she hasn't been back to school. I don't think anyone has spoken to her since that day she found out about us. Not even Kaira. Speaking of, I need to find out why Kaira isn't talking to Isla.

Being that it's Monday, I am hoping that Isla will be at school. If not, this will be the third week that she is missing. I take a quick shower before getting dressed and heading downstairs for breakfast.

"Good morning." Beth greets me. By the way she is acting, something must be wrong.

"Morning. Beth, are you okay?" I ask while making me a bowl of cereal.

"Hayden." She pauses for a second. "When you and the boys get home this afternoon, we need to talk."

"Did we do something wrong?"

"No. Of course not. Don't worry about it right now. We just need to talk, okay?"

"Umm... Okay, Beth. I need to get going." I grab my backpack and head outside. I wonder what she wants to talk to us about. Maybe she has noticed that the three of us have been acting strange lately.

I hurry outside and notice that Nick and Lucas have both left already. No surprise there. We haven't gone to school together since everything happened.

When I get to school, I see Isla getting out of her vehicle. I make my way over to her but stop when I see her staring at something. Her eyes go wide and fill up with tears. She jumps back into her vehicle and rips out of the parking lot. I look to where she was staring at and I'm shocked to say the least. Actually, I think I want to throw up. Up against the school wall is Lucas making out with Chelsea. What the fuck?!

I clench my jaw and make my way over to him and Chelsea. What the hell is he thinking? I thought he was in love with Isla, and even if he isn't why would he be making out Chelsea. Out of all the people in this damn world he's swapping spit with Chelsea. Him licking dog crap would be less gross than Chelsea, especially after all she did to Isla.

"What the fuck man?" I say as I pull him off of Chelsea. His eyes are hazed over and he smells like alcohol. "Are you fucking drunk?"

"What's your problem, Hayden?" Chelsea hiss at me. "You had your chance with me, and you turned it down. So, what... now you're jealous?" She smirks while rubbing her hand down my chest. Wow! Is this girl serious? She just had her tongue shoved down Lucas' throat and now she's rubbing on me.

"Don't touch me." I growl. "You are the nastiest thing I have ever seen and in no way would be jealous of anyone who is with you. You disgust me." She tries to slap me, but I grab her arm before she can. "Darling, that will be a big mistake. I don't condone hitting girls, but for you I will make an exception."

She looks at me with wide eyes knowing that I am being serious. "Lucas, Baby, you wouldn't let him touch me, right?" She whines as she grabs his arm.

Lucas looks at her and me then opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off. "You screwed up again, Lucas. She saw you. She fucking saw you making out with Chelsea. How many more times do you need to hurt her?" I bellow.

"Wh-Who ssssaw meee?" He slurs.

"You idiot. Isla saw you." I scream while grabbing his shirt by the collar and yanking him away from Chelsea.

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