Chapter 40 ~ They're trying to kill us

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Luke/ Lucas' POV

Our Thanksgiving holiday had been extended due to the winter blizzard giving us an extra week home which was nice. Unfortunately, Nick, Hayden, Killian, Emma, Isabelle, Isaac, and I all got sick. None of us could go back to school when it reopened.

I hated the idea of Isla and Sofia going back to school without all of us, but Tyler reassured us that he would watch over them. Tyler is now a part of our little group. I'm still not happy about what he did to Isla, but if Isla is willing to give him a second chance then so will the rest of us. He hasn't tried anything since he's been here, and it's been fun having him around.

After Isla, Sofia, and Tyler went to school, I kept getting an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Something in my mind kept telling me that something bad was going to happen today. I tried to take a nap, but the nagging feeling was still bothering me. Plus, I was a little hungry.

Tyler had made us all soup for today, that just needed to be reheated when we were ready to eat. Feeling a little hungry, I go downstairs and find Hayden sitting on the couch with the tv on but no volume. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

He gives me a weird look. "Something doesn't seem right."

"So, you have a weird feeling too?"

"Yeah... It's like something is bothering me but I don't know what. I fear something bad is going to happen."

"I'm feeling the same way too. It's been bothering me all morning since Sofia, Isla and Tyler left for school." I tell him.

"They're fine, right? I mean, Tyler said he would call if something happens right?" Hayden asks. I can tell he was worried about our friends.

"Yeah. Maybe it's just that we haven't been away from Isla in weeks. We are probably just being overly paranoid. Let's put a movie on to distract us."

Since we couldn't decide on what movie to watch we decided to watch The Office instead. We are in the middle of watching our third episode of The Office when my phone rings.

Tyler's name flashes across the screen and the unsettling feeling that I had earlier come rushing back.

Hayden pauses the show as I answer the phone. "Hello?"

I hear coughing before Tyler says, "Help."

Fear strikes me like lightning. "What happened? Where are y'all?"

"Put it on speakerphone," Hayden demands me so he can hear too.

"Sofia and Isla were attacked by some cheerleaders and football players. I tried to stop it, but some more guys came and attacked me. I'm so sorry. I was supposed to protect them."

"Where are y'all?" Hayden asks, panicking.

"Hiding in an empty classroom. The girls aren't in good shape. We barely made it into this room." He croaks.

"Stay put. We are on our way." We hang up and Tyler texts me the room number that they're in.

"Nick! Killian! Hurry get down here now!" I yell. "It's an emergency." As I explain to Nick and Killian about what happened to Isla, Tyler, and Sofia, Hayden calls Mrs. Ford to come and watch over Isabelle, Isaac, and Emma.

I drive my car with Hayden riding with me, while Nick rides with Killian in his truck. The first thing I notice when we pull into the school's parking lot is Tyler's car. It's been destroyed. The words traitor and freak have been sprayed painted on it. All of the windows have been busted out along with his headlights. The tires have also been slashed and it looks like someone took a bat to the sides of his car.

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