Chapter 52 ~ I was kicked out of the damn store

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Killian's POV

Tyler, Luke, and I run inside to check on Isla. I stop dead in my tracks when my sister, who is sitting on the couch snuggling with Nick calls out my name. "Killian Noah O'Bryan," she says in a low stern tone, glaring at Tyler and Luke. "Can I speak to you? Alone."

She hops off the couch and bounds up the stairs to her room. I follow her to her room and shut the door behind me once we are both inside. She glares at me with her arms folded over her chest. "I swear, you have lost your damn mind. That was the perfect opportunity to swoop in and take care of your angel, but your sorry ass was too busy laughing with those idiots. I swear if you don't put a little more effort into trying to get closer with Isla, you will never stand a chance with her."

I fall onto my sister's bed and scream in her pillows. "I've never liked a girl before like how I like Isla. I have no clue what I'm doing. Help me, Sis."

My sister smiles mischievously at me. "I have an idea, but you have to be on your A-game or it will backfire on us."

"How would it backfire on us? And what is your plan?"

"Well, my plan is for us to go on a double date without calling it a date. No one in the house would willing allow you to go on a date with Isla, now would they? Anyways, I'll make up some excuse for why you, Isla, Nick, and I have to go somewhere. After we do whatever lame excuse I come up with, we will go out to eat at a nice restaurant. It will be a date without it being actually called a date." She smirks.

I grin at my sister. Sometimes she can be really smart. "But wait how can it backfire on us."

Sofia laughs nervously. "I love you, Killian, and while I am a hundred percent for 'Team Killian', Nick isn't. He's 'Team Hayden'. Once we go through with this plan, he is going to set it up where it also happens with Hayden. I know every guy in this house has feelings for her besides Nick, but damn y'all are all behind when it comes to Hayden. He is always the one that comes to her side when she needs it."

Sofia sighs. "I thought Luke was going to be your biggest competition, but I think it's Hayden. Luke is very clear about his feelings and will come right out and tell her. But that's not Hayden's style. He sits there on the side and just lets her know that he is there for her. He's this awesome friend that is always there for her in her time of need, and I think she may be slowly falling for him. He doesn't have to tell her his feelings because you can just feel it when he walks into a room. You can feel his love for her. You need to step up your game and start showing her your feelings. You at least need to make sure that she knows you want to be more than just a friend with her."

My sister is right. I need to show my angel that I am the one for her. "You're right, Sofe. I'll show her just how important she is to me."

"Kill, you all know that if one of y'all don't make your move soon, y'all will all end up with more competition." I look at my sister with confusion. "All of the bullying she has gone through might have made her lose some of her self-confidence, but by no means does Isla believe even half of what they said to her. She knows she is a beautiful girl. She doesn't look in the mirror and think she's ugly, but at the same time, she doesn't know how attractive her looks really are. Chelsea had everyone against her calling her ugly and stupid shit. Why? Probably because Isla is one of the sexist girls alive and she doesn't even have to try. I believe everything that Chelsea did was out of jealousy. Hell, if I was into girls, I would go for Isla. And unlike you stupid boys, I would win her heart," my sister teases.

With a quirked eyebrow, I ask my sister, "Don't tell me I have to worry about you trying to date Isla too."

Sofia laughs. "No. I'm into guys only. Plus, I think Nick might be my forever one. I'm talking about us starting a new school next week that hasn't been tainted by Chelsea. If Isla walks through that door single. Every boy there will be jumping at the chance to get with her."

"Do you really think we will let any other guy even get close to her?" I laugh.

"I'm just saying, Kill. This new school is going to be a game-changer. The great thing about Isla is she isn't the type of person to let it go to her head."

"You're right about that." I give my sister a hug. "I'm going to go check on my angel."

I walk across the hall to Isla's room. Her door is open and to my surprise she is alone. "Hey Angel, can I come in?"

"I guess," she says, still pissed off. She's cute when she's angry. It's not a side that we get to see of her very often.

"Where's Hayden?" I ask curious that he's not with her.

"Grocery shopping with Nick, since I was kicked out of the damn store," she growls. Even her growl is cute. It's like hearing a little kitten meow.

Without asking I sit beside her on her bed. She doesn't seem to mind which is a relief. I was afraid she would yell at me. "Sorry for laughing at you, Angel. If you want, I can beat Luke up for you."

She playfully hits me. "No violence, please. It's just... it's just I've never been so embarrassed in all my life. Everyone was staring at me, there were boxes everywhere, and stupid Luke couldn't stop laughing. I offered to help clean it up and pay for the damage, but the manager yelled at me. How dare he yell at me. I know we were in the wrong, but at least I was trying to fix our mistakes. Oh, and the poor guy who had to clean up the mess. I felt so bad for him. I think he is about our age. Oh no! What if he goes to our school? He will probably hate me forever. It's a new school I was hoping for no one to hate me for at least a week," she rambles.

"I don't understand why people always have to hate me. Am I really that bad of a person? I try to be a good person, Killian. I really do. But for some unknown reason, people still end up hating me. What if Chelsea is right? Not about the slut part. I am not a slut, but what if I am a freak? Oh, Killian, I screw up everything. I bet Luke is so mad at me. The last time we fought he made out with Chelsea. He isn't going to make out with her again, is he? I don't think I can handle that again. And then I told Nick I was going to slap him. I'm such a bad person. I'm alw-"

I cover her mouth with my hand. This is what Sofia was talking about. Isla knows she is not ugly, but because of the relentless bullying, she thinks she is beneath others and is a freak. She doesn't see her real self-worth.

"Hush now, darling. Chelsea is wrong about everything when it comes to you. No one in this house hates you including Luke. Just because you got a little upset with him doesn't mean he's going to make out with Chelsea. Trust me he really regrets that." I shiver at the thought of him kissing Chelsea. Yeah, that's just nasty. "The guy who has to clean the mess up, if he does go to our school, he would be stupid to hate you without knowing you. If anyone at our new school hates you, then they're just stupid for not giving you a chance, but I don't think you have to worry about that. And about Nick, meh, he could probably use a good slapping or two. Maybe it would knock some sense in him, and he could figure out how to act his age." I chuckle causing her to smile. "Angel, you are not a freak, but even if you were that doesn't stop the feeling, I have for you. I really like you. As in I like-like you. I just wish you knew how special you really are."

For a moment she just stares into my eyes before hugging me tightly. "Thanks, Killian. You mean a lot to me too."

We lay back on her bed with her wrapped in my arms. After a few short minutes, I hear here snoring. I would get up and let her sleep, but I'm fine where I'm at. I hear Sofia walk out of her room across the hall then she comes into Isla. The smirk on her face is so big that I want to slap it off her face, but I would never put my hands on a girl. "I'm so Team Killian. Get some rest, lover boy," she says as she closes Isla's door.

Yep. If one of the guys walks in with her in my arms, they are going to lose their mind. Even though we aren't doing anything. She innocently fell asleep in my arms while I was comforting her. Sofia was right. I have to step my game up. I mean I did tell her I like her, and she didn't just flat out reject me. I'm not letting go of my Angel easily.

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