Chapter 24 ~ The princes always finds his princess

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Killian's POV

I need some time to get my head clear. I decide on taking a walk to help clear my head. After walking for about fifteen minutes I come across an old park that looks like it had been abandoned. Studying my surrounding, I notice the unkempt grass, the rust on the slide, and trash that litters the ground. A park that once brought enjoyment to many now is just wasting away. As I continue to explore the park, I notice a girl about my age sitting alone on the swings. As I get closer, I am amazed by her beauty.

Her beauty is in a raw form. She isn't dressed up in designer wear, her hair is in a messy ponytail and she has no makeup covering her face, but she is absolutely breathtaking. She's an angel. My angel. I know that sounds creepy, but I feel like I am drawn to her. Something about her makes me feel like she can give me the happiness that I've been missing for so long. As I get closer to her, my heart breaks. She is silently crying all alone. Who could have hurt this angel?

She is slowly swinging with her tears flowing down her cheeks. At the sound of leaves crunching beneath my footsteps, she quickly tries to wipe her tears away. I slowly take a seat in the swing next to her. I approach her with caution because I don't want this angel to flee from me. I swing matching her pace. "Angel, why is a beautiful girl like yourself crying all alone in this old park?" I ask, hoping not to scare her.

She seems startled when she sees me as if she was expecting someone else. "Sorry," she whispers.

"It's nothing," she says as she forces a smile onto her delicate face.

We stare into each other's eyes. All I see is her pain. There is so much pain held in her eyes as she tries to hide it with her smile. "Angel, your smile is nothing more than a lie," I say softly.

"Your eyes are like an open book. I see the pain and hurt. By no means do you have to tell me anything. We just met, but I can tell you're struggling. I see it, and I care. I would love to help you."

I know she is just a stranger, but the pain in her eyes, I've seen it in my own eyes. She is struggling and I don't want her to struggle. It's like she has the whole world on her shoulders and today she just can't bear it anymore. I want to help her. Funny thing is how do I help her when I can't even help myself. "Why do you care?" She asks. "You don't know me. We don't even know each other's names. Nothing good will come from you befriending me."

Why do I care? I don't know, but I do. What does she mean no good will come from befriending her? She seems to think so lowly of herself.

"I-I don't know. There's something about you. I want to know you. How about we start with something simple." I put my hand out for her to shake. "Hi. I'm Killian, and I'm new here." I say with a genuine smile.

She gives me a small smile before shaking my hand. "I'm Isla. It's nice to meet you."

"Isla..." It's a nice name, but she's an Angel.

"It's a beautiful name but I think, Angel, suits you better."

"Thank you, but I guarantee you that most wouldn't agree with that name." She says in a hushed tone.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I know I just barely met her, but how could anyone think of her as anything else.

"Never mind. It's nothing. Anyways, where are you from?" She asks quickly, trying to change the subject. I don't want to change the subject, but I don't want to force her to talk about something she's not comfortable sharing.

I quickly answer her question. "From all over. My family moves around a lot."

I don't want to tell her that after my parents' death I was shipped to my uncle who constantly likes to screw people over, so we are constantly moving. "What about you?" I ask.

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