Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

"Love. You need to wake up." Draco whispers in my ear. He gently kisses my cheek.

I groan, "Give me a few more minutes." Draco runs his fingers through my hair. "You said that 5 minutes ago, Love." He says.

I slowly open my eyes. "What day is it?" I ask. "Saturday," Draco whispers in my ear. He kisses my cheek, my jawline, then my lips.

I smile into the kiss. He pulls away, I stand up and stretch. I look down, "How'd I end up shirtless?" I ask.

Draco laughs, "You woke up last night complaining that it was too hot, so you took your shirt off and threw it somewhere."

I nod. "OMG! Ron and Hermione are going to freak out!" I jump up and grab my shirt. I slip it on, kiss Draco, and go to leave.

As I'm opening the door Draco grabs my arm. "Wha-" I get cut off by Draco.

"That was not a kiss, love." He says.

Draco presses his lips to mine. The kiss is sweet and long. He pulls away. "That's a kiss." I kiss his cheek then leave. "Bye."

I blow him a kiss and walk to the Gryffindor house. I enter the common room and Hermione is pacing while Ron is biting his nails.

They look up as I enter. They run to me and engulf me into a giant hug. "Where were you?" Ron says. "I was in the room of requirement, thinking. Guess I fell asleep."

Hermione punches my arm, "You stupid idiot. You scared us." I rub my arm. "Sorry."

"Now go get dressed so we can go to breakfast." Hermione straightens out her robes and hair.

I walk upstairs to my dormitory. I change my clothes, brush my teeth, and smooth out my hair.

I walk back to the common room and we head to go to the Great Hall for breakfast.

I pass Draco in the hallway, he winks at me and I smile at him. Ron looks at me, "Why were you smiling at Malfoy?"

"I-I wasn't. I was smiling at Lavender Brown, he was just in my line of vision." I stutter.

We sit down and owls swoop in. Hedwig lands on my shoulder. I untie 2 letters and the Daily Prophet newspaper.

She flies away without a noise just a glare. I open the first letter it's from Sirius.


How are you? Good job on making it through the first task. Take a few days to recover before you get into anything hectic. Till next time.


I open the next letter it's from Draco.


I enjoyed what we had going on in the Room of Requirements to meet me in front of it approximately 45 minutes after breakfast.


I smile at the letter and stick it in my pocket. I open the paper and see that Hermione and I are on the front page with a heart around it.

My face turns red, "That little-" I let out a string of cuss words. It felt good so I did it again. I sigh and look at Hermione, "She's done it again."

She nods and looks at Ron who's looking at me. "You're dating Hermione!? I knew that's what all the hushed whispers, Hermione staying up late until you get back, and going to the library together was about!!!"

I look at his dumbfounded, Hermione conjures a silencing charm over us. "Harry and I aren't together. Honestly, Ronald." Hermione says.

He rolls his eyes, "Yeah right." I sigh and look at Hermione.

I know what you're thinking, love, don't do it.

I look up and make eye contact with Draco.

I have to.

Don't. Do. It.

I have to. I'm sorry. He thinks I'm dating Hermione.


I ignore him and look at Ron. "Okay. The next thing I tell you might sound a little crazy, but it's true. Hermione and I aren't together. I'm dating Draco."

Ron gives me a confused look, "Draco? As in Draco Malfoy?" I nod. "I don't believe you." He says and I groan.

"Why do you have to make everything so hard!" I yell. I grab my bag and leave the Great Hall.

I go to my dormitory, slamming the door behind me. 45 minutes later I'm meeting Draco in the Room of Requirements.

"Why'd you tell Weasley. I told you not to." Draco says when I enter. "I already told you. He thought I was with Hermione."

"Well that's not a reason to tell someone about our secret relationship," Draco says.

"Why can't we tell everyone? What are you afraid of? Do you think that they'll make fun of us? If that's it we can get through it together." I say.

"Harry, love, I'm not afraid of what people at school will say. I'm scared of what my father will do." Draco says.

Draco's POV

Harry gives me a confused look, so I explain.

"My father has tried to raise me to be the son he always wanted. When I refuse to do what he says he abuses me. He makes me scream, in pain, so loud we've had noise complaints from the neighbors. He hits me then leaves me in the pool of blood. It's terrible. It started when I was 4. 10 years of abuse." I say.

Tears run down my face and Harry's. I wipe away my tears. "I still have scars." I pull out my wand, lift my shirt, and take the glamour spell off.

Harry's POV

I gasp as I see bruises and scars appear on his chest. "A glamour might cover up the scars, but it doesn't make the pain go away."

I run my fingers across one of his bruises. He flinches at my touch but soon relaxes a little. I look at him, "I'm going to kill him." Draco shakes his head.

"Harry, please don't," Draco begs. "Why? He's done this to you. He's hurt someone that I love and care for. I'm not okay with that, Draco. He hurt you and now I'm going to hurt him." I say.

Draco shakes his head. I pull my wand out of my pocket, "Stay here." I walk out of the room of requirements twirling my wand.

"Harry! Harry, wait." Draco calls my name, but I ignore him. "Harry James Potter! Stop ignoring me and listen for five seconds." Draco yells.

I sigh and stop. Draco stands in front of me. "Did you really mean what you said? Do you really love me?"

I look down at my feet. Draco puts his hand on my cheek and forces me to look at him. "Yes, I did. Draco Lucius Malfoy, I'm in love with you."

Dun dun duuunnnnn........
Heh heh! Whaddya think???

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