Chapter 2

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Draco's POV
Morning Mumbles

What is going on in that room? "Stupid Potter he's not even 17 yet," Pansy says. "My father will hear about this," I say.

It breaks my heart to say that about my mate. No one except my family knows that I'm a Neko. No one in my family was a Neko, so no one knows why I'm a Neko. The teachers and champions come out of the room. "Good luck to all our champions." Professor Dumbledore says.

The prefects lead us back to our dormitories. I change into my nightclothes and lay down in my bed. I fall asleep dreaming about what the first task would be and that my beautiful mate doesn't get hurt. I wake up the next morning and change into my Slytherin robes. I walk to breakfast by myself. I sit down and notice that Pansy or Blaise isn't here yet.

I sigh and grab a couple of pieces of bacon. I eat a small piece of bacon. Potter, Granger, and Weasley come into the Great Hall laughing.

Potter glances at me. We make eye contact and I look away. I slowly eat my bacon I can feel their eyes on me. Pansy and Blaise walk into the Great Hall and sit beside me.

"We were going to wait up for you but we couldn't find you so we thought you were already down here and it turns out I was right and Blaise wasn't," Pansy says. "Yeah whatever. Here." Blaise hands Pansy 5 knuts. She gladly takes them and puts them in her pocket.

"Potter was staring at me," I say. "Why?" Blaise asks. "Probably because I was alone and I'm never alone," I say. "Yeah your right," Pansy says. I finish off my last piece of bacon and stand up. "I'm headed to potions class see y'all there," I say. I walk out of the Great Hall. On the way to potions I go to my dormitory and grab my bag that has all my books in it.

I head over to the dungeons where Snape's classroom is. I stand by the door and wait for everyone else to join me. Since I'm so early I doubt Professor Snape hasn't had breakfast yet.

I sit down on the floor and pull a potions book out of my bag. Professor Snape walks out of his office. "Draco what are you doing out here so early?" He asks. I shrug and turn the page to my book.

"Well. I'm headed to breakfast." Snape says. I nod my head. He sighs and walks off. I hear faint giggles coming from down the hall. I look up and see Potter, Granger, and Weasley coming down the hall. They stop as soon as they see me. "Doing some studying for that dead brain of yours?" Weasley says. I stand up and put my book away. "Yeah as if you know about being smart Weasel Brain." I sneer.

Potter flashes me a look of fury. That's when my cat. Yes, I have a cat his name is Alec he's like a subconscious but he says other stuff some that aren't helpful.

Why is mate mad at us? What did you do?

I didn't do anything. Well, I did something and it wasn't good.

What did you do?

I called his friend a Weasel Brain.


Yes again. I'm sorry I know I screw up.

Whatever next time don't screw up. We have to tell him and soon.

Okay, I'll tell him soon.

Alec blocks off any connection with me and ignores me for the rest of the day. Later that night I'm sitting on my bed wearing my glasses instead of my contacts I have a potions book sitting on my left, herbology book on my right, a transfigurations book behind me, and a defense against the dark arts book in front of me.

I look behind me at my transfigurations book and write down what it says. I grab a different piece of parchment that's labeled Potions. I look at the potions book and finish writing the essay when I'm done with the essay I slip the book and parchment into my bag. I then move onto Herbology and finish writing the essay. I slip the book and parchment in my bag.

"Draco stop take a break. Come eat dinner with me." Pansy says. I sigh and stand up. I push my glasses up back to the right spot. Pansy grabs my glasses and puts them on.

"Pansy give them back you know I can't see without them." I try to grab my glasses but she moves.

"Pansy." I raise an eyebrow. She sighs and gives them back. I put them on and we walk to the Great Hall.

Harry's POV

Malfoy walks in the Great Hall with glasses and his hair is sticking up in all different directions.

A small voice in the back of my head is saying that he looks hot.

I'm not gay. I think and he's my enemy not my friend. I watch as he goes to the Slytherin table. He eats and pushes his glasses back up his nose.

I take my glasses off and set them beside me on the table. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"I don't think of Malfoy that way," I mumble to myself. "Harry are you okay?" Hermione continues, "You look a little pale."

I nod, "Yes Hermione I'm fine." She gives the look and I sigh "I'm going to the Hospital Wing."

I grab my glasses and stand up. I exit the Great Hall and head to the Hospital Wing. My vision gets blurry, I open the door to Madame Pomfrey's office.

She looks up at me "Oh dear." She rushes over to me and helps me onto a bed.

"Here Potter take this." She hands me a potion and I drink a few sips. My eyelids flutter shut.

Draco's POV

Potter rushed out of the Great Hall quiet fast. Is he okay? I'm sure he's fine just really tired. I sigh, "Pansy I'm headed off to bed. See you tomorrow." I make my way to the Slytherin house.

When I get to my dormitory I change into my nightclothes and climb in bed. I wake up the next morning and change into my robes, and brush my teeth and hair.

I make my way to the Great Hall when I hear everyone whispering "Did you hear what happened to Potter?" A first-year asks her friend. I stop in my tracks.

What happened to Harry?

I turn to the first year "What happened to Harry?" I ask her. "Madame Pomfrey said he was overstressed. He keeps mumbling a student's name but we can't find out who's." She says.

I nod and thank her. I go to breakfast and eat my food. I make my way to potions class and sit in my normal seat.

About 30 minutes Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Madame Pomfrey come running into the class. Dumbledore goes and tells Snape something and he nods.

"Malfoy please come with us," McGonagall says. I nod and pack up my things. We exit the class and walk down the hall.

"Am I being expelled?" I ask. "Why you be expelled? You didn't do anything wrong." Dumbledore says. I nod my head and we end up at the Hospital Wing.

Madame Pomfrey opens the door and leads me to Harry's side. "He's been saying your name for the past hour or so," McGonagall says. "Why would he say my name? He hates me."

"I'm not so sure about that," Dumbledore says with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. I raise an eyebrow.

I look down at Harry and sit down in the seat beside his bed. "Hey, Potter," I say. The adults walk away.

"I wish you would talk to me. I don't even know if you can hear me, but if you are please listen to what I'm about to say." I say.

I lick my lips and then continue.

"Listen, I've never really hated you. To be honest I've always liked you as like more than a friend. Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm telling you this. I wish we could start over and be friends. Maybe sometime more than that."

I brush a few strands of hair away from his face. "Draco." He mumbles but my cat hearing picks it up.

I sigh "You Harry James Potter will be the death of me." I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers together. I gasp it's like our hands are the perfect shape for each other his hand fits perfectly in mine.

I lay my head down on the bed and fall asleep.

So chapter 2. I'm changing the plot and story a little but what great Drarry author doesn't. Happy New Year (I know it's a little late)

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