Chapter 8

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Draco's POV

To be honest I didn't forget to tell Harry that I can read these thoughts. I've been doing it ever since I could turn into a cat.

I sigh and look over at the Gryffindor table. I search the table hoping to find a certain face, but he already left.

OMG I'm whipped. Ugh! I shouldn't have got attached so fast. I should have given it time.

I sigh and stand up. I make my way to the library. I open the door to the library and grab a couple of books that I will need. I find an empty table and sit down.

I open a book and start reading. I sigh and run my finger through my hair. I turn the page and sigh.

I close the book and stand up. I go to the front desk. "Where do you find books about uncommon or rare creatures?"

She points to the back corner where I was just sitting I thank her and walk over.

Uncommon Creatures Reinay Oxiz.

I grab the book and sit down at my table. I scroll through the Table of Contents.

Neko Creatures Page 124

I turn to page 124 and start reading.

First Shifting: When you are a Neko you can have 3 forms. Those forms are a full cat, half-cat half-human, human. When you are human you're abilities still work but not as well.

You're Cat Abilities: You can read your mates mind, you have good hearing, you can jump high, you're really tall when in half-cat half-human form out have cat ears, a tail, and fangs.

Mating: When your mate accepts you they can only go 2 months without mating. If they haven't been marked within 2 months they will go into heat.

Heat Part 1: When your mate goes into heat you'll be able to feel it. Although you will not feel the pain that your mate feels you will be very protective. If you're not with your mate during their time of heat you will have to be locked up because you can go crazy.

Heat Part 2: Your mate will have cramping in the lower stomach, vomiting, headaches, and stomachaches.

I put the book down. How long has it been since Harry accepted me? A month? Yeah a month.

He has a month left till he goes into heat. That means I have a month to tell him. Oh no, I don't know how I'm going to tell him. I tear out the pages and stuffs them in my pocket.

I grab my potions book and walk out of the library. I wipe the sweat away from my forehead.

Are you okay? I can practically hear you panicking.

Uh-Um Y-Yeah I'm fine.

Are you sure?


I sit down by the fireplace. "Draco it's still nice outside want to go outside?" Pansy asks. "Not now Pansy." I read through the piece of paper to make sure I didn't miss anything.

"Are you okay?" Pansy puts her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah fine I'll be outside on a sec." She nods and leaves the Slytherin common room.

I go to my dormitory and put the papers under my pillow. I straighten my tie and hair. I exit the Slytherin common room and walk to the Great brass doors and walk outside.

Pansy is waiting for me outside. "Finally! Hey, guess what, Potter is outside." She points over to were Harry is.

He with the Weasley girl she's to close. I growl and glare at the back of her head. "Draco. Chill." Pansy says. "How can I be calm when the Weasley girl is to close?"

She shrugs I storm over there.

Dun Dun Duuuunnnnn........ Cliff Hanger. Sorry, my dear readers but I had to do it.

Draco Is A Cat!? (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora