Chapter 3

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Dumbledore POV
Library Meet Up

"Are they okay?" Minerva says. "They're fine." Madame Pomfrey says. She nods her head and walks out of the room. "When will Harry be released?" I ask. "Tomorrow." She confirms.

I nod "Goodnight Poppy." I say. "Good night Albus." I walk out of the Hospital Wing back to my office.

Narrator POV

'I'm just going to leave Malfoy there.' Poppy says. She walks to her office and climbs in bed. Meanwhile,

•Harry's Dream•

"Hey Harry." Draco Malfoy says to me. "Umm... Hi." I reply. We're currently in the Room of Requirement I have no idea how Malfoy got here but he just did. "I wanna tell you something," Malfoy says. "Okay."

"I like you and not as a friend more like a boyfriend. I don't know what to do. I'm glad I finally got that off my chest." Malfoy says. " okay that's not what I was expecting to hear," I say.

Malfoy leans in and looks at my lips. My eyes go wide. His lips pressed against mine.

•End of Dream• (Harry's POV)

I wake up and sit up. I try to catch my breath. I look down and see Malfoy leaning across my bed with his hand holding mine.

Was it just a dream or was it real?

I sigh and wipe away the sweat on my forehead. I sigh and decide on not waking Malfoy up. I lay back down and fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning a part of me is kind of hoping Malfoy is still here. I look down and he's gone. Not there.

"He left five minutes ago." Madame Pomfrey says. "Oh. Thanks for telling me." I grab my glasses and put them on.

"Here take this." She hands me a glass of pumpkin juice. I gulp it down it one drink. "You're allowed to leave Potter." She says. I get out of the bed and make my way to the door "What day is it?"

"Saturday." She says. I nod and walk out. I walk to the Gryffindor tower. I say the password and walk-in. I go to my dormitory and change into my Gryffindor robes.

I brush teeth and make my way to the Great Hall. I glance at Malfoy and he laughing at something his friend said.

I sit down beside Ron "Good to have you back mate." Ron claps me on the back. "Good to be back," I say.

"Harry can I talk to you?" Hermione asks. "In private." She says. I nod and we go outside. "So how your relationship with Malfoy?" She asks.

"What are you talking about?" I ask. "Don't be stupid." She snaps at me. "Harry I can feel your emotions. I'm an empath. I can feel your emotions and you're in love with Malfoy."

"No I'm not." We sit down by a tree. "You can't decide it Harry it's fate." She gets up and leaves me sitting under the tree. I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I look up at the door to Hogwarts. I sigh and get up, I make my way back to the Great Hall. I sit back down next to Ron and finish eating my food.

"You okay mate?" Ron asks. "You've been awfully quiet since breakfast," Hermione says. I shoot glares in her direction. "I'm fine. I'm headed to the library." I stand from our seats in the common room. I climb out of the portrait hole and make my way to the library. I stare at my feet as I walk. "Watch it Potter." I look up and see Malfoy on the ground. "Oh sorry, I didn't see you there," I mumble.

I hold my hand out trying to help him up. He scoffs and pushes my hand away. He tries to get up on his own but ends up failing. He reaches his hand up and I smile and grab it and help him up effortlessly. He dusts himself off and looks at me "Tell anyone about this and I will ruin your reputation." I nod and salute. We both go to walk towards up end up walking side by side. "Headed to the library?" I ask.

"Nope headed to the kitchens Potter." He sneers. I roll my eyes and chuckle under my breath. I grab a couple of books as I make way to an empty table. I sit down at a table and open them up pulling out a piece of parchment. "Last table open do you mind sharing?" Malfoy sits down without an answer and opens up a couple of books. I try to hide my smile but I fail.

"Something funny Potter?" Malfoy asks. I chuckle and turn back to my potions homework. After a couple of hours of doing homework I set my quill down and turn to Malfoy "I have a question." I say. He shakes his head "Can't stay still for a couple of hours can you?" He chuckles.

"Why were you in the Hospital Wing with me?" I ask. He freezes and turns pale. He slams the book shut, grabs all of his books, and runs off. "Why can't I do anything right?" I ask myself. I run my finger through my hair. "You can't do anything right because you don't know how to deal with your emotions." I look up and Malfoy is standing at the end of the table.

"I heard everything you said when I was unconscious. Is it really true?" I ask. He slowly nods his head. I sigh and stand up, I close my books "Are you going to say anything?" Malfoy asks. "No, you like me no big deal everyone does," I smirk. He rolls his eyes and slaps me across the face. Not hard enough to leave a mark but I learned one thing today. Malfoy is going to be the girl in the relationship.

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