Chapter 1

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Bakugou POV~~~

"They have killed twenty of our men and took all of the supplies that we were supposed to ship out. If they keep attacking us like this, we are eventually going to have to close down all of our storages.."

I sat in the meeting room as I listened to one of my assistants give me a report on the attack we had yesterday.

"If we close the storages then we won't be exporting anything! We are going to start running out of money and soon we'll be nothing but another washed down mafia!" I complained. "We have to find a way to stop this!" There was no way that I was letting this business fail. It had been in the family for generations. It would bring dishonor our name if we were to close it.

"Well what else can we do? We have no way of knowing when they'll attack, and without a plan we are just sitting ducks!" Mina whines as she slammed a hand on the circular table we were hosting our meeting in.

Th table was composed of 6 chairs with one in the middle which was where I, Kastuki Bakugou the leader of the best mafia in Japan, sat. The other six members were part of my council, which composed of the most skilled fighters in Japan, or as I call them, my friends. The memebers were Mina Ashido, Shoto Todoroki, Ejiro Kirishima, Hanta Sero, Hitoshi Shinso, and Kyoka Jiro.

We were currently discussing our situation. We had been attacked by our rival mafia, the L.O.V., several times since we all joined. At first we thought nothing of it thinking that it was just another small pesky mafia trying to gain popularity, but boy were we fucking wrong. Ever since they hired a mastermind to lead them, we had been getting wrecked left and right.

Everyone at the table was arguing, all trying to think of a way that we could counter back. It all seemed hopeless until Shitty hair spoke.

"What if we hire a hit man?"

The room went quiet. "This is the L.O.V. we are talking about here. We can't just pay any fucking amateur and expect them to find out and kill whoever is behind all of this!" I complained. Even I had to admit, they were the strongest mafia we had ever met (although we were still better than them).

"I'm not just talking about any hit man, I'm talking about THE hit man," Shitty hair pulled out a file and threw it on the table for all of us to see. "It took a while but I finally collected enough information to find out their identity and whereabouts." I picked up the file and looked at the report of this so called 'hit man'. "His real name is Izuku Midoriya and he is presumably the best hit man there is. He goes by the name 'Deku', or as others like to call him, 'The Green Reaper'."

"Wait are you actually talking about the Deku?!, the man who has killed over 100 targets successfully without being spotted?!" Exclaimed Soy sauce with a shocked look on his face. "How did you even manage to find out this information??" Questioned Shinso as he skimmed through one of the copies of the reports Shitty hair made. " Believe me, it wasn't easy, but with enough bribing and searching I was able to connect the dots."

"He's apparently a royal omega from the Midoriya family..." said icy hot trailing off at the end as he read through the report Shinso had in his hands.

Although we did need the help I wasn't entirely sure that we could actually rely on him to do that good of a job. I mean the guy was not only an omega, but a royal! I mean don't those guys like wipe their asses with gold or something. But, if the others were convinced that he was good, I was willing to give him a shot..

"I guess we can but how in the hell are we going to contact him because I don't know about you but I don't see a fucking phone number we can call on this report." I said while shooting a glance at Shitty Hair. He sighed and responded, "I haven't gotten that far yet.."

"Great so we have an ideal hit man, but no way to contact him!" Mina said throwing her hands in the air, at this point we were all on the verge of giving up and we were feeling pretty shitty.

"You said that he was a royal right...?" Spoke up Jiro as she threw a glance at the report. "Yes" answered Shitty Hair. "From where?" "Central and Eastern Europe, why?"

We all stared intently at her as she spoke, "I think I might have an idea of who can get us in contact with him..."

Midoriya POV~~~

"Ugh that was so tiring....!" I complained while I washed off the blood off my clothes and into the drain. "Tell me about it, the guy literally had like 10 bijillion gurads!!" Denki said as he changed into some fresh new clothes after getting out of the shower.

We were currently in the bathroom of our target which we had killed not to long ago. Me and Denki were getting cleaned up after basically murdering all of his guards and escorts.

"Hey lets go get something to eat after this because I am STARVING" complained Denki after putting on his clothes and taking out a first aid kit to patch up his scratches in front of the mirror. I stripped myself of my clothes and entered the shower. "Where do you want to eat?" "I was thinking wing stop what about you?" "Yea I'm down let's just not get home too late we have stuff to do tomorrow" "Like what stuff" "We have to go greet the new suitors tomorrow so we have to look fancy or whatever" "Ugh I don't feel like rejecting people all day tomorrow. I don't get it why can't we just pick who we want to marry. Being a royal omega sucks!"

I got out of the shower and walked over to where Denki was so I could get a towel and my regular clothes. We had been best friends for forever and were both omegas so seeing each other naked didn't faze us in the slightest. "Well hopefully we can move out soon so until then we just have to keep rejecting all those suitors"

We were currently looking for a place to go since we didn't want to live with our families much longer. It was such a pain to have to wear all these stupid clothes and act proper and whatnot just so that we had a good reputation. Our parents didn't let us leave since they didn't think we could make it on our own so they were looking for Alphas that could 'take care of us' but I just think that's a load of crap.

I became a hit man without them knowing so that I could earn money and prove that omegas aren't weak! Denki was my sidekick. He goes by 'Chargerbolt' and was the one who would hack into and corrupt the system to find out more about the target. He also helped me out in killing when I needed back up since he was actually pretty good when it came to handling guns.

We were finally out and we were heading toward my car to get Wingstop when I got a call from one of my friends (a royal as well) Momo Yaoyorozu.

"Hey Midoriya someone contacted me saying they have another job for you..."

Hello so I know I haven't really explained the begging very well so let me clarify, in this AU Deku has an older brother who is an alpha so he isn't entitled to the throne. Deku and Denki (along with Momo) are all from royal blood (they are all cousins I know they don't look like it but just go along with it) but only Deku is from the main royal family since his parents are the King and Queen. The only way Deku can become the Queen (because he is an omega) is if he marries an Alpha before his brother finds an Omega to marry. Deku isn't really close to his brother because he is always busy and thinks he is kinda sketchy. More will be revealed as we continue the story so just read to find out what happens next!

Unstoppable paring (BkDk mafia AU) *CURRENTLY ON HAITUS**Where stories live. Discover now