Chapter 14

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"So, what do you think of Isaiah?" Damien asked as they headed outside.

Christine was caught off guard. "What?"

"You know, do you like him?"

She'd never really thought about it. She didn't know him all that well. He was nice and didn't think she was a monster when they first met which was a plus. Would she consider him a friend? Possibly, but the whole trusting others was something she was still wrapping her head around. The only person that she could say for sure that she trusted was Damien. He was the only one that seemed interested in her well-being.

"I mean, I guess," she said after a long moment. "I really don't know him that well. Why do you ask?"

He shrugged. "No reason."

"He talks about you a lot."

That got his attention. "He does?"

Christine nodded. "He talks about you talking about me."

She couldn't be sure but she thought she saw a blush creep across his cheeks.

"Huh," he said, stopping in a clearing. "Here should do."

She wanted to press him. To know what it was he told people about her. If he wasn't willing to share was it because he was saying bad things about her? That's not what Isaiah was saying but if they were good things than why didn't he want to tell her?

"What do you tell people about me?" She asked.

"Not much," the left side of his mouth twitched. "Just you know, how powerful you're becoming and stuff."

"How long have you known Isaiah?"

"We're supposed to be training."

When she didn't budge, he sighed. "I've known him since I was thirteen. We trained together at the camp. We were both spies for the organization for years but the guy that ratted me out also ratted Isaiah out since we were all in the same unit."

"I thought the Raiders didn't know about the organization."

"They know that there is a group of people resisting but they don't think it's anything of consequence. Soon they will." He pulled his pack off his shoulder and started going through it. "Before I forget, Ned wanted me to give this to you." He handed her a single black glove.

She took it and looked at the small flame etched on the back. "What is it?"

"It's something to help you hone fire." He took it and slipped it onto her right hand. "You press this button here," he pressed the button on the inside of her wrist and her hand burst into flames. "And apparently it won't go out until you press the button again."

She looked at her hand in wonder. She could feel the heat through the glove but it was a comfortable warmth. She urged the flames to grow and manipulated it into the shape of a small Bane. She let it go and it bounded off for a few yards before disintegrating, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. She put it out with her other hand. She turned to look at Damien and he was smiling.

"What?" She asked, turning off the glove.

"I just think it's amazing that there are still new things that you can do."

"I just hope it's enough."

"Me too."

She raised an eyebrow at him. "That's it? No bullshit pep talk about how I can do this?"

"Have I ever given you a pep talk, sunshine?"

She thought about it. He never gave her the traditional pep talk but she always felt better about things after talking to him. He was truthful and rather blunt sometimes but he always said what she wanted to hear, whether or not she knew it.

"Guess not, Goldilocks."

He grinned, showing off his impossibly straight teeth. "I can give you one if that's what you want. I just always figured you preferred the truth."

"Maybe you know me pretty well then," she said, her mossy eyes locking with his.

"Despite your best efforts," he said, taking a step toward her. "If it makes you feel better, I have complete faith in you."

"Oh?" Her voice came out softer than she wanted it to.

He nodded and stepped forward until he was right in front of her, mere inches apart. "Yeah."

Christine wanted to touch him. To reach up and run her fingers through his hair and along his sharp jawline. Wanted him to touch her, to know what it felt like to be held and cared for. She wanted to know if it was like the books. If the touch of him would melt her insides and cause heat to course through her veins. His eyes were open and asking, waiting for her to make the final move. She wanted to. The deep pit in her stomach wanted to be filled, her heart longed to be understood.

But she couldn't.

Those who got too close got killed. She could see her dad's wide, tear-filled brown eyes as he told her to run and never look back, that he loved her. The dictators would use anyone to get back at her. Once they see her take over one of their camps, all bets were off. The target on her back would grow and those around her would get one too. He's already a deserter and a council member of the resistance. Being cared for by her would only make things worse for him. She was afraid, so deathly afraid of something happening to him. Afraid of and confused about her own feelings and what they might entail. She didn't deserve him and couldn't understand how he could like her. He didn't know her. He knew pieces but it wasn't enough to know why she was meant to be alone. It had to be pity. Pity for the girl who was alone, broken and cursed.

Christine took a step back.

"We should get back to training," she said, softly.

Damien swallowed and nodded. "Right. 'Course."

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