Chapter 19

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Christine tugged nervously at the skintight jumpsuit. She had never worn anything of this material, it was as if it was made to hug her and never let go. It was easy to move in though and would be useful if she got in a fistfight. Her weapons' belt had two pistols, ammunition, and a few knives in it, not that she was going to use most of it. She slipped her jacket on and zipped it up to her neck before putting on her glove. Silvia had braided her hair so it was out of her face and it fell down to her waist. She looked closely at herself in the mirror. She had never really bothered before but she wanted to see the face that the whole world would see.

She was still too skinny. Her face was made of sharp edges and lines. Her tan skin pulled tight over her jawline and cheekbones. Her eyes were wide and green with lips pulled down into a frown. She was scowling without realizing it and tried to relax her features. It didn't make much difference, she still looked intimidating, just like Damien had said. She sighed and had the urge to pull her hair out of the braid. She didn't like how exposed her face and neck were. She wanted to hide behind her hair like she had always done.

There was a knock on the door and she called for them to come in as she stepped out of the bathroom. Damien was standing next to her bed and his eyes widened when he saw her. He looked from her eyes all the way down to the tips of her combat boots. He visibly swallowed as his eyes fastened back on her eyes.

"You look..." he shook his head. "Incredible."

She blushed. "Thanks."

Christine noticed that Damien was wearing a black jacket with the same symbol that she had on hers.

"Your jacket..."

He looked down at it and smiled. "Yeah, our whole squad has it. Isaiah, Raquel, and Angelina. So, when you give your speech with us behind you, we'll look united. The army even has flags with the symbol etched on them."

"Wow," was all she could say.

Damien's smile widened. "The world is about to find out who we are."


When Christine got a load of the organization's army, she was stunned. There were over ten thousand people that were a part of the group in the nearby area. Damien said that they had a lot more soldiers in neighboring states and as well as more in Washington. They thought that ten thousand was more than enough to prove that this organization wasn't as small as the Raiders thought. They were meant to be more for show but they were all well-armed and prepared for a fight. Erik and Bo were to stay with the army and give commands, both of them wearing jackets like Damien.

Christine's team would go on ahead and once they've gained control of the camp, she would blast a ball of fire in the air like a flare. The army with Erik, Bo, and Ned leading would come in and Ned will be filming the whole thing—the army and most importantly her speech. She had memorized it and presented it to Damien several times. She just hoped that she could deliver it convincingly.

Damien came over to her. "Are you ready?"

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