Chapter 26

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Christine woke up to someone knocking on the door. Christine struggled into a sitting position as Raquel walked in. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as Raquel sat on the edge of her bed.

Raquel's grey eyes swept over her, assessing her injuries. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been better," she admitted, flinching as she tried to get into a comfortable position.

"What exactly happened?"

Christine recounted the story. Telling her about Kevin and Layla and the injuries that she sustained.

"But I shouldn't be out for long," Christine said. "Layla said a few weeks but I'm a fast healer—"

"You should listen to Layla," Raquel cut in. "You need all your strength for the battles to come."

Christine sighed. "We'll just have to see, but I'm telling you it won't take that long for me to fully heal."

Raquel rolled her eyes. "That's about as close to an agreement as I'm going to get, isn't it?"

Christine nodded and a smile spread across Raquel's face.

"I'm glad that you're okay," Raquel said, resting her hand on her knee. "And you need to take care of yourself."

Christine didn't say anything. All she could think about was Kevin and the fact that he was still alive. She had failed the organization. She was no match against him. She had barely made it out alive.

"I'm sorry," Christine said, softly.

Raquel furrowed her brows. "Why are you sorry?"

"Because I couldn't stop him. I failed."

"You did fail but there's nothing wrong with failure. It is through failing that we grow stronger." Raquel locked eyes with her, her face sincere. "You've only been training with your powers for a few months. The dictators have years of practice and training under their belt. You weren't going to beat them your first time around but I believe that you will get there."

"You only say that because you need me to succeed."

"Not true. I'm not one to put my ass on the line because of a hunch. I believe in you because I've seen you train and grow stronger. I know you think it's bullshit and I would too if I were in your position but you have what it takes. All you have to keep working hard and letting yourself heal."

Christine looked down at her scarred hands. Small, weak and boney, much like the rest of her. She wished she could believe Raquel. Could see herself the way that Damien, Isaiah, Silvia, and Raquel did. They believed in her and saw strength in her. All she could see were the weaknesses.

Raquel stood up. "It will take time to see yourself as capable but you need to believe in yourself before you can make any progress."

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