Episode 26 (S3)

411 29 47


(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)


ME: Morning Miss Clara Nwachukwu. It's me.. The guy who saved you and your mom. •*I said to her as i rest my back on my emperor seat back rest*•.

Around 08:00am in the morning, i left to go and book flight tickets for Clara and Desmond, for them to return to Canada where she studied, at least for the main time, and grant me a little peace of mind. Which was all i and Clara's decision.

On my way back home around 11:00 am, i got a call from Dan for the first time since after Rita death, getting me wondering what exactly he want this time. I ignored the first call and he called again, while i decided to pick up and hear he out first.

“Hello". •*I muttered, still concentrating on the busy road as i drive home with a low velocity, simply because i am not in a hurry*•.

“Hey. Super man". •*He muttered like the boss in charge getting me irritated*•.

“Dan what do you want?" •*I asked with a cool tone, trying to keep my cool*•.

“You made a promise to me and you did your best to fulfill it. So i think it's my turn to fulfill my promise to you". •*He said, getting me wondering what he's up to, and i decided to keep calm and let him finish with whatever he wants to say*•.

DAN: I once promised to expose the true you to Clara and make her turn against you. And i think it's time to fulfill that. I will just start from showing her around your home, granting her access into places she have never been in there. And i am starting from your cyber office. What do you think? •*He said, getting me so infuriated and scared at the same time*•.

“Dan don't just dare me". •*I shouted with a mean tone, and he dropped the call, and i angrily hit my fist on the car wheel twice, unintentionally blowing the car horn📯*•.

I quickly dialed Clara's number just to keep her talking to me till i got home, and the phone reads (Number Busy) meaning she's currently on a call with Dan.

“Shit! I am doom today". •*I murmured to myself as i dialed Dan's number, and it ringed severally without been picked. While i wonder why my fate turned out this way*•.

I quickly took a short cut, reselect my gear and increased my speed, just to see if i will get home in time before Clara will do something crazy cause by the pains Dan is about to inflict in her.

I was all alone in the room laying on the bed and  doing nothing serious but just reading tweets as i wait for Gaius to come home. And after about an hour, i got distracted by a call with a restricted identity. And after puzzledly staring at it for some seconds, i picked up.

“Hello.... Good morning". •*I muttered audibly*•.

Caller: Morning Miss Clara Nwachukwu. It's me.. The guy who saved you and your mom. •*He said and i sprung up to a sitting position in excitement*•.

Finally, i get to speak with him. I've been looking for such privilege for so long. At least to thank him helping out all this while and also get to know him.

“Oh my goodness! I've been praying for this moment" •*I quickly exclaimed excitedly*•. “Thank you so much for the other day". •*I quickly added*•.

Caller: No need for that. I got something very important to tell you. •*he said, and i almost freaked out as i wonder what it might be, probably another attack (God forbid)*•.

The Organization (Season Three)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz