Episode 17 (S3)

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(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)


“Excuse me?" •*Sonia muttered disbelievingly while i speed out from the parking lot as i went for Gaius using my dashboard indicator*•.

“We both know too well that he will definitely get his ass into trouble,but he's too blind to know. And you can't just send them after Zion while we have a superior agent in danger. Declare a rescue mission,deploy three special fully armed squads with three giant armored helicopters. We are going to rescue agent 002,that's an order". •*I said and she kept quiet for some seconds,probably wondering if i meant my words,because she knows about my differences with Gaius. Just like my Dad said “whenever we have external enemies,we got to set aside our differences and work together as team,because that's what brothers do"*•.

“You inclusive?" •*Sonia asked disbelievingly*•

ME: Yes.... But on one condition.

SONIA: Which is?

“Baby agent Glory inclusive,and that's an order". •*I said for a reason best known to me and reselect the gear,while she remain silent for some seconds*•.

ME: Do you copy?

“You know Gaius will never think of risking Glory's life for any reason". •*She muttered barely audibly*•.

ME: Gaius's life is at risk. And I'm sure he will be glad to see her come for his rescue.

“I am not letting her out of the organization on your command". •*she protested*•.

“Stop her from leaving on my command and no one else is leaving the organization for the rest of the day". •*I muttered with a mean tone that sounded like that of a devil and she kept quiet*•.

I hate it when someone questions my orders. Not from this crazy bitch with hidden feelings for someone like Gaius who don't even care to know. If i am in Gaius situation,will she even act to my rescue?

“Fine. Change of plans agent Smith. Deploy three special squads with three giant armored helicopters. We're switching to a rescue mission". •*She instructed*•.

“Copy ma'am". •*Smith muttered*•.

“Taiwo,connect me to baby agent Glory immediately". •*She muttered,and i smirked as i reselect the gear*•.

Come on tough boy. Let me take you to somewhere hotter than a launched bullet". •*I said to myself as i reselect the gear and overtake the bus in front of me*•.

I grabbed my phone that was on the passenger's seat and dial the last recent number i called earlier,and my boy picked up immediately.

“We are ready boss". •*His muscular voice said from the other end of the line*•.

“Good! How many of them do we have?" •*I asked still concentrating on the road*•.

“As much i could gather,but trust me,they're more than enough". •*He said*.

“Good job! You and your boys should be on a low key till my next signal". •*I said to him and end the call*•

And just then,Gaius speedily hit the back of my car with his,causing me to sway uncontrollably,while my phone failed off my grip as i struggle with the wheel,which made me to unintentionally hit other cars beside me. And immediately i managed to regain control of the wheel,i quickly pulled the hand brake and driftingly turned left to a single high way that leads out of the main city,while my phone slide further out of my reach which will definitely make things a bit hard.

The Organization (Season Three)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ