Episode 20 (S3)

390 36 15

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

Right now,I don't care if whatever i do goes against the rules of the organization. I mean, Fuck rules,I gat to change the game to my favor. Who isn't okay with it should go to hell.
10:30 pm
Location: The secret cyber office in my mansion.

After checking out the inform that was sent to me by Taiwo,regarding Yusufu. I print out his picture and paste it on my plan board as my next target,and used a red marker to drew ❌ on late God's Will Nwachukwu and Zion's pictures,and stepped back to have a look.

After some seconds,I want back to my system and start up another plan on how to protect Mrs Nwachukwu from Dan. And after i was done with what ever i did,i also print out her picture and paste it differently on one end of my plan board and circled it with a blue marker as a symbol of protection before walking out from my cyber office to go have a rest... What a stressful day......

It's been a week since after Zion's wahala. And few days back,Dan made my uncle to raise Mrs Nwachukwu's issue again,suggesting we take her out. Really getting on my nerves.

I didn't argue over it,neither did i said “i won't let them hurt her". I just suggest we leave her for the main time and deal with Yusufu Abubakar first. That will give me enough time to push through with my plans.

“You both have a week to make out plans and move to Kaduna state for Yusufu Abubakar". •*My uncle said during the few days ago meeting we had in his office*•.

“We don't need a week,because Kaduna will loose a great man this weekend. It most not be both of us,because i already had things under control. And i will no longer be doing my dirty jobs myself because i had already trained a trusted assassinatress who will be doing that". •*I bossily said and Dan stared at me as if i am messing things up*•.

“And who is this assassinatress you're entrusting this kinda of mission to?" •*My uncle bossily asked,and i muttered “Glory" as  i clicked on a button on my customized wrist watch,and Baby agent Glory's profile and best training performance which was recorded on CCTV began to display like a movie trailer*•.

“How can you send a baby agent on such mission? She's inexperience". •*Dan said in disagreement to my suggestion*•.

“What makes you think she's inexperience? Are you the one training her? During the recent rescue mission,she was the only female agent who participated despite not being a member of the special squad. And above all,she was the first who was bold enough to walk in without fear and set up a gun fight,despite the risk. She is fearless. She loves what she had become. She love what I've made her. She love being strong. She can take a bullet for me,if there's need to. Not everyone can do that". •*I said mannerly*•.

“And what if she gets caught?" •*Dan asked after all my blah blah,and he really gat a point,but the last thing i will do is letting him know my weakness*•.

“Then,so be it". •*I said and he smiled devilishly*•.
✈         ✈
Agent Glory
Rank: Baby Agent
Location: Kaduna state. Nigeria.

“Welcome to Kaduna". •*The ebony black skinned female flight attendant said to me as i got to the commercial aircraft door*•.

“Thank you". •*I smilingly replied and walked pass her,carrying my (I no go return today) handbag that contains few stuffs i will be needing on my left arm,holding my boarding peppers and ECOWAS passport that contains fake identity in the other hand*•.

After getting an arrival stamp on the passport,I gorgeously walk towards the exit. Looking so good in the black elastic gown that ends below my knees,which clenched tightly to my body that recently turned from skinny to curvy. Followed by the expensive black high heels shoes i pick the very first day i went shopping with agent Sonia,which marched perfectly with my black hand bag and my artificial short hair that helps in hiding my real identity.

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