Episode 23 (S3)

283 25 9

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)


And before i could point my pistol at him, he quickly grabbed my arm and hit my neck with an electric defuser and everything went black.
I gently blinked my blurry eyes in the darkness. The headache was much this time, as if it's volume was increase to 100%. The whole place was so quiet and dark like hell, no single blink of light.

I don't need to be told that I've been kidnapped. And i don't how long i've been out. Probably, too long, because all i could remember was what happened in the morning.

I was seated on a seat with both hands tied separately on each hand rest, so was my legs tied separately on the seat as well, making me totally powerless.

I can't feel my wrist watch anymore, neither can i feel my transmitter which was supposed to be fixed in my left ear, which means they have been taken away from me, making it difficult for my boss or our cyberians to track me and come to my rescue.

I tired to force my right hand off the tiny rope that was well tightened by the devil that tied me up, and stop as the pains on my wrist became intense.

I was sweating like mad. I was starving, and i felt like i will die if nothing was given to me to eat in the next minute. My head hurts so bad as if a panel beater is working on it. I tighten my teeth as i tried pulling my right hand again, and tears began to flow freely from my eyes as i kept trying countless times, yet it seems nothing was done.

I wasn't scared, because i know my boss will definitely find me no matter what it takes. I just hope he's safe, because there is no way this kidnapper would have get to me at that staircase without passing through my boss first.

I began to hear foot steps from distance, slow steps, but their boots sounds scary. And within a short while door opened and closed back.

💡They turned on the light and i quickly closed my eyes unintentionally due to the sudden brightness that almost blind me.

I blinkingly opened my eyes after some seconds to spot two masked men with scary eyes standing few feet away from the door. They didn't say a word, neither did i. And after some seconds of staring at them, i gently glanced round the roughly organized room that seems it was customized just for torturing prisoners and my heart began to skip beats.

I glanced at the tiny rope they used in tying up on the wooden chair. There's no way i am getting out of it without their permission.

“What took you so long to wake up?" •*One of them asked as he walks towards my direction, and i remain silent*•.

“Don't be harsh on such a beautiful lady, why not offer her something to eat or even water to drink before asking further questions". •*His colleague said as he majestically advanced towards me as well*•.

“Oh water" •*the first guy said and grab a water pipe i don't know where it connected*•.

“I will ask you a questions, answer me correctly and i will give you water, food and set you free, or refuse to answer me and i will torture you till you die". •*He added with a serious facial expression as he squat in front of me with the water pipe*•.

“Who do you work for?"
Location: Home (in my cyber office)
Time: 1:45 pm (earlier that same day)

I've already undo what i did to the cyber I and Dan had called me twice, but i didn't attend his calls, just forming to be mad at him over what he said the other day.

I dialed Mrs Nwachukwu's number using my private cyber telecom that can't be traced and changed the voice.

Already she's at home, and i know Clara had already heard what happened, but haven't called to tell me yet. Probably, keeping privacy.

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