Episode 22 (S3)

291 24 6

(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

Finally, I will get to hurt those whom my cousin brother choose over us again. killing two birds with a stone at once (wink).
Time: 8 am
Location: At My Mansion.

“Do your mom know about it?” •*I asked with concern just as i sat down on the driver's seat of my Bugatti SUV, about to go to work*•.

“It has nothing to do with her, so no need of warning her". •*Clara said with less concern, and just then my customized wrist watch began to blink, indicating emergency mission, as well with my phone which was placed on my left ear, and my mind drove to nothing else but to Dan and the organization planning to utilize this opportunity to assassinate Mrs Nwachukwu. Probably, they've been monitoring her for so long*•.

“Just a minute baby, I got a business call to attend please". •*I said to Clara and drop the call without hesitating*•.

After what Dan said few days ago at the organization's game hall, I instructed Taiwo to keep me updated with every mission that comes up, and he just did.

I quickly connect my wrist watch to my car sound system and turn off it's mic so that they won't be able to hear whatever i say, and the next thing i heard was “Sir... Mrs Nwachukwu and her son just drove out of their compound, accompanied by IMO state governor's securities. I guess they are attending the mother to the IMO state first lady's funeral". •*Taiwo said through the transmitter, probably referring to Dan, and i remain silent just to know what their reply will be*•.

“This meeting will be postponed to tomorrow morning, And you all should better fine my oil before then or I'll do it my way". •*Dan's mean voice sounded with a bit rage to the transmitter, probably he's addressing his employees or something*•.

Shit!! •*I muttered barely audibly as i hit my hand lightly on my forehead*•.

Dan just postponed whatever he was doing, which means he is going after Mrs Nwachukwu. For the first few seconds, I was puzzled with many thoughts in my mind. Thoughts on how stop him from hurting Desmond's grandma. And it's either Dan attends the funeral with them or stop them from attending it at all. “Shit! Somebody is gonna die today, I just don't know who it will be".

“Use the traffic delay tactics to hold them within the city". •*Dan said to Taiwo through the transmitter after some seconds, which means he intend to stop them from attending the funeral*•.

Delaying them within the city, probably buying enough time to go get his war materials. And i need to get mine too.

I grabbed my briefcase that contents some files and my official laptop computer, got down from the super SUV and bossily walk back to my mansion. None of the maid was insight when i got into the living room, probably minding their morning duties, and i advanced to the stairs immediately.

Within 100 seconds, I was already in my room. I quickly dropped the briefcase on the dressing table in the adjoined dressing room and quickly unlock the adjoined cyber office and walked in immediately.

As i walked in, I puzzledly stood at a spot for some seconds, thinking of what to do exactly as i glance around the newly super upgraded personal cyber office which i took my time to equip with many stuff the organization don't have. And in the next seconds, I grabbed a sniper's medium briefcase, opened it and placed it on my table.

I picked one of the best sniper rifle, dismount it within seconds and set it in the briefcase along with it's magazine. I put in a smoky teargas and a black pistol and lock the briefcase. I got a black backpack, put in a black face cap and medical black mask into it, followed by a black leather hand gloves and a newly black customized bullet proof long sleeve jacket that looks like ordinary ones.

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