Episode 11 (S3)

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(The Tough😠 And The Dangerous😬)

“Look for someone else to do that,am off",and the robotic voice said “Connection ejected",meaning Dan had just disconnect himself from the transmitter*•.

I quickly clicked on the second button of my wrist watch,sending another emergency call to the organization cyber hall as i walked into an adjoined restroom at the parking lot to clean up,and Taiwo picked up immediately. I instruct him to erase the parking lot security cameras(only the few minutes ago incident) and he unhesitatingly worked on that instantly.

And just as i was done cleaning up my dusty clothes,Clara's call came in,and i ignored it as i think of a very good lie to tell her.

“Done boss". •*Taiwo said as i walked out of the restroom,heading towards the door that leads to the mall*•.

Hack into my phone,check the recent last picture on camera folder and get me every information i need to know about the man on that picture. His family,friends,relatives,where he works,where he resides,where he normally hangs out,any dem thing at all. If possible,his current location. •*I said to Taiwo before walking into the mall to look to my babies*•.

“Copy boss". •*He replied*•.

I glanced round the mall for sometimes and head downstairs as i didn't find my son nor his mum at the first floor,probably they are already done with the shopping and currently waiting for me outside.

His name is Zion Nwachukwu. A Nigerian American born Citizen,born in the year 1969 in California,USA. He's an ex-marine soldier of the united states of America and also an ex-convict.
No family,friends,relatives or any address at all,neither can i find his current location. •*Taiwo said through the transmitter as i walked out of the mall front door,heading towards Clara and our son whom were lining on my hummer truck*•.

With Clara's facial expression,i can tell that she's worried and upset at the same time,and it's all my fault for keeping them waiting,not telling her that i was leaving and for not picking her calls. I gently raised my phone, operate it for a while and placed it to my left ear as i walk towards them and muttered “Thank you Taiwo,i gat something to take care of right now,we'll continue later" for a reason best known to me.

“Copy boss". •*Taiwo said and i stylishly glanced on my wrist watch and clicked on that same button to disconnect he from the transmitter*•.

“Sorry for keeping you waiting". •*I said to Clara and she remain mute,still frowning,while i took the stuff they bought and put them into the trunk. And within seconds,we were already in the vehicle,and i drove off. Sweet talking to Clara at the same time just to please her*•.

“Where were you?" •*she finally spoke for the first time since i walked out from the mall*•.

“I got an urgent business call which i can't receive in public,so i decided to go stay at the first floor interior parking lot a little bit while you do the shopping". •*I said with a honest facial expression,and she bought my lies*•.

I never knew that i won't last up to two days in Nigeria before been on another run. I thought my father land will be a safer place for me,but i was wrong. I've been in four different countries just within two weeks,all because of safety. Everyone wants me died. Both the people i wronged in the past and those that might have heard my story but yet to have any business deal with me. Even kids of yesterday that was born probably during my days in the military also wants me died,caused by my commitments.

I am not surprise of what just happened because eight years ago,during my days in the prison at US,i found out that Hon Emeka Dominic wasn't among those politicians who died that very day. I was shocked when he came to visit a Nigerian American prisoner who was later freed after six months,instead of 10 years.

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