Chanyeol- Merry Christmas

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     I am spending Christmas with Chanyeol's family this year it's going to be interesting Chanyeol and I have been dating for four years now since we started dating in 2015. I am currently making my way over there and with my beautiful dog and my five-year-old Sungmin which her father left and went off the grid and now no one knows where he is.

We arrived and Sungmin instantly went off to go find Chanyeol I make my way to the kitchen to help Chanyeol's parents as well as his sister. " Hello beautiful, how are you?" She asks giving me a hug.

"I'm doing good, Sungmin is getting so big, so it's starting to become a little draining" I tell her with a smile.

" Yeah five-year-olds are a little handful but hey you're amazing mother and especially so young and beautiful" he tells me which caused me to smile.

"You know you said you need to tell me something what was that" Chanyeol's mother asked me

"Sungmin this morning called Chanyeol daddy" I tell her.

"No way," she says.

"Yeah, it was so weird. She said 'so when will we get to see daddy' and I legit froze. That's the first time that she's ever called him daddy." I say.

We hear a scream, and we turn around to see Chanyeol holding Sungmin and he's hugging her. "Everything okay?" His mom asked.

"Sungmin called me daddy," he comments.

"Daddy it's not a big deal,  put me down I want to play with Toben." She tells him. He's says okay, and she runs off.

"It feels weird doesn't it?" His dad asks.

"It feels so weird just before she'd called me Chanyeol or Park or something like that. But when she called me daddy it just felt right" Chanyeol says with a soft smile thinking about the little girl.

"Well you are her only father figure in her life. It makes sense." I tell him. He walks over and gives me a kiss.

"I see you said hi to my parents and my sister before me," he comments.

"I was bringing in the dessert I made you pabo," I comment laughing to towards him. Which caused him to laugh as well.

Since my parents are currently out of town, and I couldn't go visit them , so Chanyeol and his family let me and Sungmin come over for Christmas

As we sit down for dinner, and began to have a good time. Watching the dogs play, it felt like everything was going to turn out just fine. It's great being surrounded by family. I got to spend time with Chanyeol's grandparents which who are very lovely. " so I heard that Sungmin called Chanyeol daddy," Chanyeol's grandpa tells me.

" she did, she loves him so much," I say. And I look over to him and her playing with the dogs.

" do you think he is the one?" He asked me. I look at him and smile.

" I don't think, I know he is the one," I tell him smiling brightly knowing he's the one for me." I've never seen someone love Sungmin so much as he does and Sungmin already sees him as her dad, and I love him so much," I add.

It's time for presents. They give Sungmin a lot to give her as well distracted as we exchange gifts. We unwrapped gifts for about 30 minutes, and now it's towards the end. "Okay is that all the gifts?" I ask as I stand up from my place.

"I think there's one more," Chanyeol's mother says.

"For who?" I ask.

"Y/n turn around" His sister tells me. I turn around to see Chanyeol down in one knee.

"For you," he tells me . I placed my hand over my mouth speechless by the fact of this begins a complete surprise. " I know it's kind of cheesy on Christmas day to ask you this question but I thought this was the perfect time, so. Y/n will you make me the happiest man in the world, and become my wife?" He asks.

Father's Day 2020

Chanyeol and I got married last month and Sungmin want something to happen. Sungmin is now 6, and she wants Chanyeol to become her official father. So she's going to asking Tom to adopt her.

So here we are gathered with the park family. No one except his sister, because she's filming and wants to know the actual reason of why she has the film Chanyeol opening his Father's Day gift. "Okay dad open mine!" Sungmin tells him.

"Okay princess," he Somme the laughing. He begins to open it.

"Read it out loud," I comment.

" You've been the best dad towards me, and I think the baby in mommy's stomach will agree with me in eight months as well," Chanyeol reads. He looks up at me in pure shock. " are you serious!?!" He asks me. I nod. "Jagi!! That's amazing!!" He tells me.

"There's more!" Sungmin comments. He begins to open the box more.

" You've been there for me before I was born. I know mommy and you weren't together when she was pregnant with me but you cared about her more than anything. You were my dad, and maybe not by blood. But I would love it if you would officially become my daddy, so I want to ask you if  it was okay if you'd adopt me and become my real dad" Chanyeol reads, everyone is shocked and he begins to tear up. "Yes! Baby I will adopt you," he mutters. And he gives her a hug, and then stands up and gives me a hug.

"We're going to be having a kid!" Chanyeol cheers giving me a hug.

"I know," I tell him.

7 months later Min -Jun park was born into the world. And Sungmin was officially adopted by Chanyeol.

Author- I'm so sorry for not posting lately, I mean for a long time, but here's a late Christmas post I hope you enjoy and have a happy late Christmas and a Happy New Year

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