Sehun- Lil Shorty

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         You wouldn't go as far to say you were short- you were only a little below average and you were just dating a tall guy. No biggie.But it was a big deal. Your boyfriend had almost eight inches on you. You didn't really mind until you wanted to kiss him. You always had to stand on your tiptoes.Sehun hadn't ever noticed this. He loved you very much, no matter what you looked like.

"Good morning, babe," you greeted as you walked into his studio. He'd been sleeping his studio for the past few days against Suho's wishes. He was working like mad to finish a song.

You set a cup of coffee down on the desk and turned to your sleeping boyfriend, who was stretched across the couch. You smiled at him. He had practice in forty-five minutes; he definitely wouldn't want to miss.

You walked over and shook his form lightly. "Sehun, wake up," you quietly said. When shaking him didn't work, you sat beside him and nudged him harder. "Sehun, you have to wake up now. Practice is in forty-five minutes," you tried. But that didn't do much either.

You gave a sigh and pressed a warm kiss to his lips. Slowly, you seemed to get a response out of him, as his arm came around your waist and pulled you into the couch with him. He broke the kiss and opened his eyes slowly. "I wish I could wake up like that every morning," he joked sleepily. You smiled in return.

"Practice is in forty-five minutes. You have to get up." He groaned and sat up. You could tell he was tired by the way he sluggishly moved and the dark circles under his eyes.

You stood from the couch and brought him the cup of coffee. "Here, that might help."Sehun took the cup from you gratefully. He looked up at you with a bit of a pout. You reached down and planted a kiss on his lips before he took a sip of the coffee.

"You're the best, sweetheart."

"I know," you replied and looked over at his desk. Everything seemed to be strewn everywhere.

You didn't have anything to do today, so maybe you would tackle that mess for him. He got up off the couch and began to get ready for the day: fixing his hair, straightening his clothes, and freshening up a bit. You looked over the pile of song lyrics on the desk.

Sehun came over to you about twenty minutes later. "I'm going to get going and grab an apple on the way over. Will you be here when I get back?""Yeah, babe," you said. He smiled. You stood up on your tiptoes and kissed him sweetly. He seemed to look suspiciously at you for a minute before heading off. "Love you!" you called out.
"Love you, too!"

You looked down at the pile of papers on his desk. You began to sort through things, trying to fix his workspace. After that, you folded the blanket on the couch and fixed the pillows. Then you decided to sweep the floors a bit. Two hours had rolled by. You still had another thirty minutes to go. With a sigh, you plopped down at his computer, hoping to find something like Sugar Rush on his computer.

The door to his lab opened and in strolled the one of the other members of Exo Baekhyun. You looked over at him before going back to your game of solitaire. "Whatcha doing?" he asked, placing his chin on top of your head."Entertaining myself," you said as you moved your cards around. Baekhyun hummed in reply. "Let me guess, either you're bored and you came in here to bother your band mate, you're bored and you came in here to bother me, or you have no money and want something."

"Sheesh (Y/N), maybe I just wanted to say hi."

"Tell the truth,Baek."

"....I'm bored."

"Don't you have something to do?"you asked as you spun the chair in face him.Baekhyun shrugged."I guess. But it's not interesting. You're much more entertaining than going to practice"he confessed.

"Well I'm flattered you picked your band mate's girlfriend over practice . That just made my day," you said somewhat sarcastically. Baekhyun rolled his eyes. Then he looked you over, almost analyzing you.

"Are you slouching in that chair?" he asked, pointing to the chair.You shook your head. "No."

"Then you're short," he joked. You stood up, facing him now. Baekhyun had grown a little and was now a few inches taller than you."I think you're the short one."

"Whoa whoa! Who's the taller one here? Me!" Baekhyun said, pointing to himself. You were about to open your mouth to argue, but Baekhyun held up his hand to stop you. "Sorry sis, don't have time to argue! I'm on my way to practice. See you later, shorty," Baekhyun teased as he headed out. You picked up a pad of stick notes and threw them at his retreating form, hitting him square in the back of the head. He glared at you before continuing down the hall.

Baekhyun passed Sehun in the hallway on his way to practice . "Your girlfriend is a twerp,"Baekhyun told a confused Sehun. Sehun kept walking to his studio to see you sitting in the chair at the computer. "You must've straightened up in here. I certainly don't remember leaving it this neat," he joked. You smiled at your boyfriend. "Thank you."

"Of course, babe."

"Now do you want to tell me whyBaekhyun thinks you're a twerp?" he asked as he set his bag down. You shook your head in disapproval."He called me shorty. I threw post-its at him," you confessed, focusing on the solitaire game you probably weren't going to win. Sehun laughed as he put his books away."Well, you are on the short side," Sehun told you.

You glared at him over the top of the computer.

"I am not," you bantered.

"You have to stand on your tiptoes to kiss me," he said and slyly looked over at you."Fine I guess I can't kiss you anymore" you said turning your head. This only made Sehun laugh more.

"It's cute, babe. Don't be embarrassed," he reassured you and came around to where you were sitting.

You stood up, trying to appear tall. He dipped down a bit and kissed you gently. You kept your arms crossed against your chest and frowned.

Sehun sighed and grabbed ahold of your waist, lifting you up. You shrieked and wrapped your legs around his waist in an attempt to keep from falling. Sehun smiled at you and kissed you sweetly and slowly. He poured everything he felt for you into one kiss. Once he gave you air, you pouted, making him laugh.

"Short isn't a bad thing," he told you. Your cheeks were bright red.

"Maybe I should tell you that more often."

"Why? So you can tease me more often?"

"No, because whenever I call you short, you blush. You're really cute when you do that."

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