Lay- BoyFriend Tag

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{ YouTube version
Y/B/D means your birthday
W/Y/L means where you live
F/F means favorite food
F/S means Favorite sport
W/S means worst sport
F/B means favorite band}

"Hello my beautiful peeps! We have a very special guest here today! Drum roll please!"  You smiled while patting your thighs making the drum roll sound with your thighs.

"Are we starting yet" Lay said popping his from the door.

"Ugh! Lay you just ruined it!" You pouted crossing your arms across your chest.

"Aww come on Jagi I'm sorry" he said while sitting next to you hugging you from the side.

"Fine. Only because I need you for my video" you said turning back to the camera.

"Okay okay" Lay said putting both his hands up.

"Okay let's start this video! Time for the Boyfriend Tag!!" You said making jazz hands up to the camera.

"But first let's start and if you do get the answer right you get a kiss" You said making Lay look at the camera with a smirk on his face then turn to your night stand where your chapstick is.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm getting my lips moist for you" Lay said with a 'duh' tone.

"Omg" You said covering your face.

"Okay Question one When/where did we meet?"

"Well we met at one of the award shows and you accidentally bumped into me and then we started to talk" Lay said proudly knowing that it was right.

"Correct" You said making a check mark sign.

"Okay now give me a kiss" he said closing his eyes and puckering his lips making me roll my eyes then giving him what he wanted.

"Question 2 Where was our first date?"

"At the Han River where we had a picnic" *kiss*

"Question 3 Where/when was our first kiss?"

"At one of my concerts where I also introduce you to the Exo-L's" *kiss*

"Question 4. When do I become the biggest fangirl?" You giggled at this question making him sigh.

"*sigh* Nct and Got7 *sigh* I still to get why you don't fangirl over my group"*kiss*

"Because I know your group and it's weird. Also have you seen how cute Nct Dream is and Bambam and Mark" you said making him sigh for like the fourth time.

"Question 5. When is my birthday? You better know this or I will end you" you said in a low tone making him chuckle.

" is it.... October 23" he said with a dumb tone making you hit.

"Okay okay it's Y/B/D" chuckling then giving him a kiss.

"Question 6. Where was I born?"

"In W/Y/L" *kiss*

" Question 7. What's my favorite song?" You chuckling making him sigh again.

"Fake Love by BTS. Do you hat me or something *turns to you* you are suppose to like my music?"he said pouting.*kiss*

"I do it's just not my favorite at the moment because have you not heard of Fake Love * whispers to the camera* my favorite part is when Jungkook lifts up his shirt" you said making Lay Hit you on the shoulder making you laugh.

"You are not suppose to say that about another boy" he pouted.

"But have you seen Jungkooks abs! Wow!" You said winking at the camera.

"But have you seen Jungkooks abs! Wow!" You said winking at the camera

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{ Your welcome }

" okay enough with the pouting on to the next question 8. Which food do I like/hate?"

"You like F/F and hate ____ food"*kiss*

"You I like this game I get a kiss every time" he said with a smile.

"Okay okay question 9. Which sport do I like the most?" *smirking*

"Uhhhh.....W/S?" He said making it sound like a Question.

"Nope!" You said popping out the "p".

"It's F/S!" You said excitingly.

"Ahhh now I remember now I think you told me like a year ago" he said.

"Okay last Question 10. What's my favorite band/musician?"*smirking*

"*groan* Are you just trying to embarrass me now.*sigh* its F/B" he says looking away but only to be pulled back by you so that you can give him his kiss"

"Okay everybody that was the end of this video and tag. Please like subscribe and comment down below do give me some more video ideas and if you all would like comment if you want me to do the Girlfriend tag" you said putting a arm around Lay.

"Thanks for watching Bye!!" You and Lay said waving at the camera.

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