Start from the beginning

With still bodies, and stone faces all was silent within the suddenly cold room with the stagnant air of lies, horrors, and unspoken truths.

mentally I cursed, it happened to rhyme with spit.



"Yes," I bowed further while down on my knee's hand fisted held to heart in the typical honorable fashion and kissed the space in front of Nay-U's feet, "I am at your will. I am yours. My trust lies within you now..." even though I hadn't the slightest idea what I was truly doing, in my soul I knew it was the truest thing I have ever come to know. I was that much closer to saving Samantha. Nay-U's head nodded in assessment, and her hands came around from behind her back cradling a small sheathed dagger. Her tiny hands lay out before me motionless as her eyes stayed fixated on its beauty for it was undeniably beautiful. It shimmered in a opaque pearlescent's of crimson.

Like the color of my wings. It was sincerely mesmerizing.

'Caspian you are not wrong,' came Nay-U's melodic young voice inside my head, her eyes looked up from there hold on the small dagger, and met my eyes with tears inside that instantly spilt over. 'This dagger is pure beauty and pure you. It is of great likeness to your wings winged one because it is forged from your very essence itself. I personally took the sample of your tremendous wings myself and wholeheartedly had this crafted for you. Only you can wield this weapon, but Caspian you must be very careful on what and whom you use this on. Is that undeniable clear?' "Yes. Your saying that this-this dag-weapon is made of me?" I asked aloud I was in immense awe, "Yes this is an exact match to your soul, it is but an extension, crafted and manipulated from your strengths to serve but you. It isn't just merely any old dagger." Nay-U replied.

Her hands stretched out to me for me to take my likeness in this dagger from her tiny strong hands and as soon as my hands touched upon the dagger light shown were it had touched and ignited our hands in such a glow it is hard for even me to describe. The only word that keeps surfacing in my mind-which cant even completely cover what this was, was holy. This was what the word meant, this moment in time, this dagger's magic within my hands was holy, at such impeccable depth that this was the reason for the words existence, I'm sure.

One of the sienna figures morphed closer and spoke, "You must take great care, winged one. You see this is quite a magnificent and unique device being it an extension of you, you must take great care as if it were you. Think of it as a charge your most precious charge yet." I nodded solemnly and waited for the continuance, "There will be many challenges, trials and tribulations and defamations of your character as well as countless others, but we believe you can do it." Nett professed. "You will be needing this," Shesh-a proclaimed and upon saying so, manifested a solid hand like formation with a scroll within it. I took it cautiously of course and nodded.

"Think else where, think the ancient hut your were in before meeting us Caspian, that should get you started. Caspian another thing is you are no longer an angel of heaven, but an angel for us and our cause, we are earth based spirits, meaning we derive everything from our surroundings. We know you have questions many indeed, all will be revealed in due time when the time is right, not a minute too soon. Our word is all we are. Think of it like this, your brethren cannot seek you like before as you are on a different frequency technically, but remember what we said about your weapon, tis more like a mortal solar powered calculator, is that understandable winged one? I'm afraid I'm not well with the translations to modern times." both Nett and Nay-u declared to me.

"Its quiet alright, I understand perfectly. But if I may ask, what do I do from here-there rather, once outside this plain?" I was all set to do what is required of me, but I am a creature of structure after all I need a path, I thought and as the thoughts sounded off within my head I was answered aloud, "Yes, Caspian you are, very much a creature of structure just like a human child, you need a structured path to thrive. But you are also reckless, hardheaded and a bit irrational." Nett continued and as she said those words aloud I had to admit I wasn't entirely sure if she meant them in a good way. My head cocked slightly to the side in awkwardness but she continued, "Ahh you see tis' a good thing, you act from within from your soul, your actions are fed from your inner fire. All be it, sometimes from certain individuals that can be a very bad-catastrophic thing, very unpredictable, but from you tis' a blessing. Your not a machine like most of your kind, you have a deep sad knowledge that for long you were unaware of, but now has awoken. We are blessed indeed for your servitude. Personally Caspian, I thank you."

I was shocked beside myself, confused infinitesimally, but warmed all the way through to my core at words I had never knew I so badly wanted to hear. I was considered a blessing, I was being thanked for all I would do. Never had my father thanked me, nor had I ever heard my father speak let alone ever see him. I was always told to do, do, do. Ask nothing, I was never praised, thanked or asked to do anything. Just ordered, obedient, and compliantly silent. I felt my stomach churn in a sickening way, and I felt as if something large were rising within, up up working its way into my mouth. I felt heavy, sickened, frightened. My eyes creased in a unknown way, and my temperature seemed to actually rise. Soon so soon the sickening load within reached my mouth and I was so frightened my body jerked in response, I had never before felt this way.

Never had I lost control over my vessel, was I about to vomit? Like animals? Like humans? I felt a huge mass make its way into my mouth, and was nearly about to spill out of it, my chest heaved, and I shuddered, "Gahh!" it was a hot bubble of air but not nearly as simple as that, because it was unknown to me for I had never felt acceptance, love. I have always given love and acceptance, but never have I ever known the feelings to be meant towards me, for who I am, what I am. I was accepted, for me, and that was that. It hadn't been vomit after all but a huge explosion of relief. I was so elated, so scared, so honored that even the fact that I wasn't human, could save me from the human emotions. So raw so true that maybe they don't solely belong to just the humans, maybe they belong to all who have ever been blessed with the best thing that can exist. Love. Blessed love.

"Ah Caspian so wise so young. Just one last thing, this is important... if ever you need guidance you may ask the world of it. That is all."

I wasn't sure what the meaning of that riddle in fact was, but I needn't to think of it now, I had my path, my course before me, with a lasting look of acknowledgement, thanks, and duty I thought of the ancient hut, and within seconds I was free of the sienna plain. I inhaled heavily the inscent thickened air, filled until woozy I slowly opened my eyes. I know what my path be, but there was something of the utmost importance, or rather someone.



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