Just like what I saw in the mirror.

"I-I really don't have any money yet. I-If you insist, please wait until I get my salary." NAMJOON said and tried to walk away past them but since they're in a group, it made him more cornered and outnumbered.

"The problem is that we need it now. And it's not enough if we rob a lot of people to have a desire amount and you were the closest who could give us that amount. So if you can't give it to us nicely, then we have to force it from you." At the exact moment, the leader punches Namjoon directly making the poor guy groan.

The leader signals his members, all eight guys then circles the now-weak Namjoon. Without any more words, the eight guy straight up beat him altogether making him hard to fight back nor even defend himself.

I couldn't take anymore of just watching the scene unfold in front of me. I have to think of a way on how to stop them, but it seemed like my body and mouth have a mouth of its own. The next thing I knew, I shouted and told them to stop before one guy could even stab Namjoon with a pocket knife.

Namjoon looked up at me even in his painful state, and even with his bruised face I could tell he was shocked and probably wondering why I was here.

My appearance was effective on making them stop from hurting him more than what they did. But I knew that instead of helping, I knew I made the situation a lot worse. A lot more dangerous and this time, I'm now involve.

"Well look who's the little girl who wants to be the hero." The leader said with a mocking tone. "Yah, if you don't have any big money to give we're not going to stop hurting him."

I knew I lost before I even try to do anything. The hopeless look on my face made the leader of them smirk, knowing I have nothing to give to them as well.  His smirk on his face is cocky and as if it's saying "that's what I thought".

"You should've ran away once you saw us because now you've just put yourself in danger, little girl."

I didn't realize that one of them already got near to me. I just noticed it when that guy dragged me forcefully by the hair then pushing me, making me fall just beside Namjoon.

I faced him and know he wants to ask why I got here but because of his current state and also the situation, it's not really a good time to ask that. I'm glad he didn't though because I don't have an answer to that yet.

I then look at the leader of the group and see him gave a signal to the other men. All eight of them now went towards our direction again. I couldn't help but feel weak and think if this is my end. I immediately thought all of the people I will be leaving behind and I know I don't want to die.

At the last second as they all start to raise their arms and start to hurt us, I shut my eyes tightly as I wait for the blow to hit me. I then heard a thud but it was not from them hitting us. It's from something else.

The ground shook at the exact time I heard a thud. It's like something fell from the sky, literally. As I slowly open my eyes, I then see it's not something that made that thud but a someone. An unfamiliar face. He was standing a few feet away from us, looking at the group of men surrounding us then at me.

As our eyes met it was as if I was hypnotized and trap under a spell. Like I was looking at an abyss and found myself lost in it. I just found myself staring back at him and didn't dare to remove my gaze from him. He was wearing an all black outfit that almost completely blends in with the surroundings as it's already getting even darker as the night gets deeper. His presence was haunting but at the same time attracting. The way he stands while looking at us screams authority and power.

He starts to slowly step forward, the sound of the heels of his black shoes was heard as he slowly approach. The nine men didn't move as if they're also under the same hypnotism as I am. He stops when he was just right in front of me. I was crouching and was just by his knee level and still shivering in fear.

Now that he was closer I was intimated by him and it made me bow my head down to avoid his eye contact as I held my breath.

"Nine naughty boys," the strange man finally spoke in a low voice. "Looks like I'll be full by the night ends."

"What are you talking about? Who are you? Are you here to be a hero? Do you have money?" The leader asked, throwing the questions one after the another. Though he did not stutter, the fear was visible by the tone of his voice.

But instead of answering those questions, the stranger chuckled amusingly. He leaves the spot in front of me making me breathe a little and sigh in relief as he now makes his way to the leader.

"You're one greedy man, are you? From you alone you could last one day because of how evil your soul is."

"What are you talking about?!--" The leader asked but was cut off when the stranger grabs him by the neck and effortlessly lifts him up, making the man struggle from his grip. And with one swift, the stranger threw the leader away with so much force. The force was too much that it seemed inhumanely.

Who the heck is this strange man?

All the other men ran to their leader's side, completely forgetting about Namjoon and I. The strange man then looked at us and lifts up his right hand. Suddenly, black smoke came out of it and went slowly towards us and then into my eyes. Once I felt the black smoke on my eyes, I quickly blink it away. For a split second, I felt weak and had the sudden urge to sleep. But in the end that urge flew away and I was able to open my eyes again.

The strange man had vanished.

It was now only Namjoon and I that was left. I look to my side and saw him passed out. He looks really badly injured compared to me that just have a few scrapes on my legs from when that one guy pushed me down since I was wearing a dress.

I quickly stood up and looked for where was the leader thrown away. Despite of the darkness in the alleyway, I tried to look for them. Until I arrived at a dead-end and that's when I saw them.

The nine men are now lying on the ground, passed out. I then notice that there's a black shadow by the wall, floating just above the bodies. Then out of that shadow, four arms emerged until a hand-like claws appeared.

That was enough to make me scream so high as I slowly step back, my breathing became ragged. The moment I screamed, the four arms slowly merged with the bigger shadow. And the cloud-like shadow slowly became a humanly figure until the figure became familiar.

He then slightly turns around to face me and in that exact moment the nearest streetlight lit up and I finally have a clearer look of the now-human in front of me. It was the strange man. At that moment I couldn't comprehend the situation as I was deeply confused. But only one question matters right now.

What is he?

At the exact moment our eyes met he vanishes into the wall, making me question more on what kind of person is he.

Or if he is even a person.

Or if he is even a person

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