"You find that humorous I see."

"I find it providential," He leaned in close to the man, "I can't help but see that the gods' hand in this, Uncle."

"Yes, to mock and humiliate me." He turned away furious.

Yasuhira leaned back, "During your recovery I read all the papers you had in your tent and I noticed something quite startling," Naishi looked to the ceiling, "I had wondered before our battle why you commanded so few men. Before the war you had quite a host. Such a large group of hardened veterans that my father openly coveted them," He turned his head slightly, "Then I discovered that Masamune had ordered you north with less than a quarter of your army and put the rest under his own standard. That explains the ease of my victory. It also tells me something else," He leaned forward again, "My father sent you north to die."

Naishi hunched forward and pressed his hands to his face. His body was in agonising pain, but his heart felt a hundred times worse. Yasuhira waved to Mariko and motioned for some tea. After a quick bow she set out at once.

"It stands to reason. You may be the ablest commander my father has, but you are also an able man and you have a right to the title of Daimyo as strong as his or mine. That is enough for my father to distrust you and send you to certain death," Yasu shrugged, "You may get lucky and kill me, but in the end you are simply another thorn plucked from the Shadow Lord's thumb."

His hands became fits on his thighs, "Come to gloat, Yasuhira?"

"Not in the slightest, Uncle."

Yasuhira untied a package that was wrapped around his waist, and unwrapped was it held. He dropped a Gunbai war fan into Naishi's lap. The man was wide-eyed upon seeing it.

"I also found that in your tent, Uncle."

He glared at Yasuhira, "You want me to fight for you?"

"I've learned that your forces haven't been committed to the battle. They remain intact in your ancestral lands waiting for their master to return," He shifted position, "It's obvious they would be as likely following me as they have been following my father, but for you they would march through Enma's hell."

"Get to the point, Yasuhira."

"Fight for me, and I promise you full autonomy for your lands," Naishi started, "Which I know is something you've always wanted."

His frustration grew, "You are more dangerous than your father, Yasuhira. Masamune simply took my son prisoner to force me to do his bidding. You on the other hand dangle my dreams in front of me."

Yasu retreated slightly, "Father has Hatashi?"

He only nodded.

"Is he in the castle?"

Again he nodded, but slightly confused by his tone.

"Well that changes things even more."


Yasu took a breath, "Noriyuki has invaded and is laying siege to the castle as we speak."

He became furious, "And when were you going to tell me that bit of information, boy?"

Yasuhira pushed him back down gently, "I just did, Uncle."

Naishi scoffed, "The impudence," He scoffed again, "I guess the little lord is little no longer."

"Neither is his army. Along with his troops he has over 1000 muskets."

"Gods," He shifted his position to be closer to Yasuhira, "So, what are we to do?"

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