Aizawa And The Spider

Start from the beginning

I nodded, letting him continue. He picked up the clipboard from the end of my bed and read off of it, most likely summarizing it at he went. "You have a concussion, which you'll most likely feel when the meds wear off a little, damaged spinal cord and third-degree burns across your back and arms, plus the numerous other stab wounds and messed up organs. You got yourself into some decent trouble before the whole incident didn't you?" The man asked the last one with a hint of sarcasm and exasperation.

I nodded again, not really processing what he's saying. You know the little voice in the back of your head? Yeah? Well, that little dude's going haywire with insults in my brain so I'm only half-listening to the hero, spending my current brainpower on placing were the words came from and the situations I heard them in.






"Scaredy cat"



A gentle hand placed itself on my shoulder a shook me out of whatever just started. I looked up to see the troubled face of Erasure Head, I realized a tear had slipped down my face, and I swiftly wiped it away. "Hey, you alright? Are you safe wherever you're staying?"

Okay, I clearly missed something here, I should've paid better attention. "What?" I asked in confusion. It seems that I really should escape soon, the hospital is already hacking into my memories. I shivered slightly at the thought of staying in here until some villains or other heroes found me. Never know, another vigilant might help me out, nah, actually that's a stupid idea.

The black-haired hero promptly leant back into his seat after realizing I could focus again and repeated himself. "Are you safe outside of your vigilant life? Since we still haven't received any information on your facial scan, we don't know your backstory-"

I cut him off, a bud of fear spreading through me at the mention of a facial scan, which was most likely taken while I was passed out. "It's best you don't know about my other life. I don't care if it's part of your job as a hero but if you do have stuff on me then I'll make sure to properly avoid ya during my rounds." I threatened, stating they wouldn't be able to keep me captive, and that I wouldn't let them find me during my job. I put more anger into my voice to cover up the growing fear that something would go seriously wrong. I don't like this new sense of foreboding.

"Wait, wait!" The man put his hands on his knees and sent an intense glare my way. "So you're saying you always knew I was around? It wasn't just a coincidence all those times I saw you?"

His seriousness lightened my mood for some reason and I shook my head with a small smile. "I always know when heroes are around. My senses make up for my lack of strength, I can hear you patrolling from two roofs away." I glanced at the needle and said, "I was always sort-of hoping you heroes would be influenced by me when I was helping those people. Not nearly enough of you are helping the kids with illnesses and the orphans who lost their families in your hero v villain fights. Not to mention the fact there are barely any who help the animals who get pulled into your chaos!" My head whipped up and I balled my fists, straining my arm against the cuffs. "No one saves them! The dog who's stuck in the rubble, the cat who's trapped in a flaming building without its family, the bird who was sold to numerous people because she had a quirk. Abuse isn't only around humans, the animals get worse than us, even Nezu suffered from human hands!" I felt my frustrations rise all at once. It really isn't like me to get so angry, then I heard a light tapping and turned to the door.

Aizawa, who was silent after my speech stood up and headed to the door. I watched as he opened it, revealing no one. No one was there, which made me look harder. A blurred grey caught my eye, and I stretched my right hand out and clasped my fingers on a soft feather. Ah, she's thought ahead. I put the feather under my pillow, rattling the IV line which attracted Aizawa's attention.

He returned to his seat and held a suspicious and thoughtful look on his face, clearly he didn't see my ticket to escaping float through the doorway. I'll have to wait a little longer to help you out though, Kirani.


Finally had some motivation to update!

Clues to some of your questions have been placed throughout the chapters, you just need to figure it out ppl! The author can't always give away hints to their storyline!!

Inform me of typos, though I may not fix it unless it aggravates me.  😎

Have a good day/night/evening/morning!

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