Crow x Reader (That Smile) *Request*

Start from the beginning

"Maybe he was a bad man..."

"What did you say?" (Y/N) turned back towards Crow with a brighter smile than they wore before. "I said maybe his name was Dan?"

Crow shrugged. "I'm not sure. What does that have to do with anything?" "I knew a man named Dan who was known for having multiple wives. I don't think he lived here though."

"Hey! Can you two come back in here for a second?" Colt's voice was heard from the inside of the building.

Crow got up from the step and reached out a hand to help up (Y/N). "I don't think this was him." (Y/N) chuckled once again, taking Crow's hand.

"That would have made more sense. I was thinking maybe one of his many wives killed him but, I'm sure this isn't the same person."

With that, the two walked back inside to see Shelly, Colt, and the woman who now stopped crying. Her eyes were still puffy and her body would jolt every now and then.

"You are dismissed, ma'am." Shelly said to the woman. She nodded sadly as she rose from her seat and quietly walked out of the building.

When she was out of ear shot, Colt started speaking. "The murder hid the evidence well. We couldn't find anything from them."

(Y/N)'a smile faded as they looked down to the ground. "Damn. She seemed like such a good woman." They looked back up to Colt and Shelly.

"It was a shame she has to deal with this loss so early."

Colt nodded and sighed. "Well, you both are dismissed. Thank you for trying to help." (Y/N)'s smile was back on and Crow nodded. "Don't worry about it." Crow said.

(Y/N) walked out the sheriff's office and Crow did as well. Before they got out of the door, Shelly's voice was heard from the office.

"Crow, can you stay for a bit longer? We have something to ask you." Crow looked to (Y/N), they nodded with a smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning. Okay?" Crow nodded, also smiling. "Sounds good." With that, (Y/N) left the building and Crow wandered back into the Sheriff's office.

"What's up?" Colt looked up to the feathered man and spoke softly. "Could you stay up little later tonight to see if the murder is on the loose tonight? They could be wandering the alley's."

Crow cocked a brow at Colt. "You seriously think the murder would be wandering around tonight for no reason?"

"We want you to do this for the rest of the week, amigo." Crow looked to Shelly with the same expression.

"We'll pay you good money if you bring their body to us. If you can't find them, we'll pay you about a thousand gold coins for trying."

"And how much if I find them?" "One thousand gems." Crow thought about the price and hummed lightly.

"How about two thousand?" Colt shook his head. "One thousand and a hundred." Colt suggested.

Crow crossed his arms. "One thousand and nine hundred."

"One thousand and two hundred."

"One thousand and eight hundred."

"Thousand and three hundred."

"Thousand and-"

"For god sakes!" Shelly shouted as she slammed her hands onto the desk. "One thousand and five hundred. That's the final offer, Crow."

Crow sighed and held his hand out to Shelly. "It's a deal. I'll look for them every night this week." Colt nodded as Shelly shook Crow's hand.

"Good. We wish you the best of luck out there." Crow turned on his heel and left the sheriff's department without a word, waiting for the night to come.


It was now the middle of the night and Crow hid safely in the shadows, looking for someone who looked bad enough to be a killer.

Crow let out a bored sigh as he looked up to the stars and leaned up against a wall of a building. 'This is boring. There's no killer out here.' He thought to himself.

He looked out over the lights lit on people's porches, searching for the slightest moment but found nothing.

He closed his eyes and took deep breaths, letting his eyes rest. As soon as he did, the sound footsteps came to a halt.

He opened his eyes and spotted a silhouette across the way from him. The dark figure noticed this and turned a 180 and booked it in the other direction.

Crow's breath hitched as his speed went from standing still to a quick sprint. He followed the trails of the figure until they turned a corner.

When Crow turned the corner, the person was gone. Crow looked frantically around but saw nobody.

He put his hand on his head and took deep breaths to calm his now racing heart rate. 'Where the hell-'

A hand was pressed against Crow's shoulder and he was pushed against a wall. A knife was now held to the bird-man's neck. When he tried to knock their hand away, the person grabbed his wrist and held away.

"That sheriff told you to do this, didn't he?" The figure spoke. "I know he did. It sounds like something he would do."

Crow could throw this person off him and take them out in a heart beat but, he didn't. Their voice was too familiar and he couldn't figure out who's voice it was.

He calmly and slowly lifted his other hand to the person's mask. They jerked away, causing Crow to move his hand back a bit.

The person slowly moved their head back into place and when they did, Crow grabbed their mask and pulled it down...

...Revealing a bright smile.

Crow's face was lit aflame and his breathing was no longer calm. He looked to (Y/N) with wide eyes as their smile grew wider.

"Now I know you don't want to do this..." (Y/N) started. The tone of their voice was smooth like silk.

"W-Why?" (Y/N) gripped tighter on the knife's handle. That one word sent a horrific guilt through their body, yet they kept smiling.

"He owed me. I told him there would be consequences but that fool didn't heed my warning." They laughed under their breath and brought their focus back to the blade.

"So..." They brought the knife closer to Crow's throat. "How about you tell that idiotic sheriff that you didn't find me."

Crow didn't know how to respond. He was so flustered, so shocked that the one person he had 'slight' feelings for was a murder just like him. It was attractive to him in a way.

(Y/N) gave him a toothy grin. "Something tells me your heart rate didn't increase out of fear." (Y/N) got up in Crow's face, causing him to blush even more.

"But out of... something more?"

(Y/N) spoke barely in a whisper. They were right. Crow was slightly shaking but not in fear. He was actually enjoying being pinned against a wall by a charming
human with a knife to his throat.

(Y/N) quietly laughed to themself. "I know. I'm correct. I've always enjoyed your company, Crow." In a flash, (Y/N) removed the knife only to shove her hand to his neck and grab it tightly.

"You're always there when I need someone. You're quite the man, aren't you?" (Y/N) slowly moved their hand from Crow's neck and put their knife back in it's holster.

"You know what?" (Y/N) started. "If you're good this week, maybe I'll show up every night to see you." They gave him a quick kiss on the tip of his beak and cackled when they saw his reaction.

"Who knows? Maybe we can have some fun with this, yeah?" (Y/N) blew a quick kiss to Crow and winked as they disappeared around the corner with that same smile Crow came to love.

The blushing bird fell to the ground with a shaky sigh. His hand lifted over his throat. He mentally facepalmed over the fact that he actually enjoyed that.

Whatever happened next, he knew he was in for a ride in these up coming nights.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to request for a character on the request page! Thank you again for reading! :)

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