Start from the beginning

She sent the dark-haired boy a weak smile before turning back to her father. "Either talk to all of us or I am leaving."

"Fine," his ice blue eyes met Marie's hazel ones. "Could you please elaborate to me what were you trying to pull off in the Council chamber? Speaking about your dead mother. You're miring her name."

"How dare you say something like that?" Marie's pulse jumped immediately. "After you made a fool of me in front of everyone - after threatening me - you dare accuse me of ruining my mother's name."

"You shouldn't be disturbing souls of those that are no longer with us."

"I can't believe it," the brunette turned to her real family. "It was him all along!"

"What are you talking about, girl?"

"While I was on my mission, I was told that Imogen was my mother's best friend, alongside Alexei de Quincey."

"Lies," Josiah growled. "She was feeding you with lies!"

"Are those really lies?" Marie challenged, stepping toward her father. "Because I don't think they are. In fact, Imogen and Alexei were the ones who saved her when she was in danger and you couldn't respect that. You couldn't acknowledge their sacrifice and yet, they were the ones who saved your wife and your unborn child. And why? All because you wanted to be in a position of power? All because you wanted to see a world that doesn't include Downworlders."

She could hear sharp inhales being taken behind her. Obviously the rest of her family wasn't aware of these events.

"My mother had wanted to see a world where different species could live together, in harmony and peace. But you couldn't give her that, could you?" Marie's voice gained signs of hurting and pain. "No, because you were heartless. You didn't care about her or about me. We were nothing to you. You continue to prove that, even today."

"Enough," his fists were forming a ball, his knuckles turning white. "Enough with this nonsense."

"No. This is the truth and it had waited long enough to see the daylight. It had waited long enough to be set free," Marie cut Josiah off. "You spread rumors of my mother being in love with Alexei. You blamed her for things she hadn't done. You killed her."

"Marie," Will's hand squeezed hers.

"No, Will," the brunette turned to him. "He did. He killed her. It was him."

"What are you talking about?" Josiah tried to escape the truth, but Marie wasn't ready to let go.

"Don't pretend like you don't know," the brunette shook her head. "You erased my memories of that night and I bet you never expected me to get them back. You hoped that your dirty secrets would forever stay hidden, but you didn't ever anticipate that I would meet Imogen. You never anticipated that she would give me back what you have stolen from me. You have snatched away every single memory I had with my mother. You erased her, as if she had never existed in the first place. But I remember now. I know that you are the one responsible for her death."

The blonde man gritted his teeth, approaching Marie with fury in his eyes. "You-"

"Do watch what you're about to do, Consul," Will stepped in front of Marie, his blue eyes cold and determine. "Raising a hand on your daughter after you killed you own wife? I wonder what the rest of Shadowhunters have to say about that. Of course, we can go and ask them now - not all of them have left the Council chamber."

"I can't believe it," Charlotte's voice was quiet, but disgusted. "How could you?"

"You dare tell this to anyone," Josiah looked Marie straight in the eyes. "And you shall suffer fate worse than hers."

"You dare threaten me again?" Marie questioned, her heart beating loud in her ears. By now, she couldn't distinguish how she felt. It was a mixture of anger and disappointment, courage laced with confidence. There was no place for fear. "You could at least apologize for your actions, but forgiveness is something you will never get, unfortunately. Not from me, not from her, not from anyone. You have sinned and left your own child motherless. Ever since you sent me to the Institute, I couldn't help but wonder what I did wrong. I asked myself why you never spoke to me, why you never sent me letters. I wondered why you looked at me as if I were a demon. But now I realize that I was never the problem. It was you, Consul. It was you who had done something unforgiving. You had killed your own wife and you hate me because I remind you so much of her."

Josiah looked at Marie with an unreadable expression, but uttered no words.

"I wanted to believe that Imogen's magic had been lying to me, that it showed me my worst nightmares. But it didn't. It showed me the truth," Marie spoke. "You may have possessed all the cards before. You may have been the only one in position to play a god, but you're not anymore. I know the truth and if you dare hurt me or my family in any way, the world will know of the sins you have committed."

"Let's go, Marie" Will pulled the girl away. "You don't have to listen to him any more."

Marie allowed Will to take her hand, but held her ground for a moment. 

"I want you to know that it is you who will have to get up each and every morning with thoughts of his daughter knowing everything about his dirty deeds."

"Marie, let me-"

"No, father. I will not hear you speak. I will not hear you try to explain anything because there are no words that could erase something like this," Marie clarified. "I don't want to see you again. I don't want to talk to you. We are done. For good."

"Marie, please-"

"No. Life will be your judge, father," Marie spoke, words falling off of her lips like poison. "And I pray to the angels above that it is as merciless and cruel as you."



Hello, lovely people! 

Here's yet another chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading. As always, feel free to share your thoughts with me!

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