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Life will be your judge, father. I pray to the angels above that it is as merciless and cruel as you.◢



PEOPLE have lingered around the amphitheatre for quite a while, filling it with low clamor and unnecessary gossip. Marie had heard their terrible whispers, ones that sang of humiliation and impossible tasks. She tried to ignore them, focusing her attention solely on her hands which were gripping each other tightly in the girl's lap.

Abruptly, Marie had stood up, facing Gabriel. Her eyes were determined. "I have to find others. I have to seek my father-"

"And I have to strangle mine," Gabriel jumped, lacing his fingers around Marie's wrist. He had brought her closer to him. "I'm sure you have a minute to spare."

"What is going on, Gabriel?" The brunette sighed, her eyes scanning the crowd for her father.

"Well," he mumbled. "By the looks of it, I will be spending more time at the Institute. You are given a terrible warning and I have a feeling that you, alongside James and William, will be helping Mrs. Branwell in a way. Whatever you intend to do next, I want to help."

"What?" Marie's eyebrows furrowed. "With battling Mortmain?"

"Yes. I want to be included."

"Look," she said. "Although I think we need all the help we can get, I am not sure Will and Jem will be thrilled with your generous offer."

"Please," Gabriel whispered, his forest green eyes never leaving hers. "At least consider it. I can't - I don't want to spend more time at our manor. I know Gideon is coming home, but I can't. I want to help you."

"I'll see what I can do," the brunette nodded. "We'll talk soon. I promise."

"Good," the boy smiled. "Stay safe, Marie."

"You too," Marie said, slowly joining the crowd. She turned around, catching Gabriel's gaze. "Oh, and Gabriel? Dream of me, darling! We shall be together soon!"

The Lightwood boy laughed, the grin on his face widening with each step Marie Wayland made. He shook his head.

That girl was truly a miracle. One moment she was threatened to be expelled from the Shadowhunter world and the next - she was already smiling and pulling off theatrics. 

By the time Marie had reached the door of the Council chamber, everyone had already been bickering. Henry stood close to Charlotte, trying his best to calm the woman down. Will, Jem, Jessamine and Tessa were behind them. With his back turned to Marie, stood her father. Even from a distance, Marie could tell that he was trying to establish his power.

"Charlotte," he said, "you know what your father always said about losing your temper."

"He did say that. He also said that he should have had a son," the woman replied bitterly. "If he had - if I were a man - would you have treated me as you just did?"

"If you ask me," Marie approached Charlotte and the rest of her family, standing opposite her father. "Temper is overrated. I tried restraining mine, it only brought worse results."

Josiah chuckled, turning his head to Charlotte once more. "And how did I just treat you?"

"As if I were a child, a little girl who needed scolding."

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