Dinner for one?

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Chapter 13

The ride over to the quaint little restaurant was silent. When we got there, Lucas parked almost right in front of the place, getting out and coming over to my side to open the door for me.

As I got out, my stupid shoe got caught in the door frame of the car somehow, and I literally fell out of the car. I closed my eyes, waiting for the hard impact of my soft skin against the rock solid ground, but instead when I opened my eyes, I was staring right into Lucas' glowing brown ones. He gave me a small smile and my eyes landed on that beautiful smile of his. It took my senses a moment to realise he has his arm around me, and it looks like we are having an intimate moment when suddenly a bright white light flashes and I quickly try to cover my sensitive eyes from the harsh invasion.

"Mister Vladmere!!" I hear a woman shout as I try to re-focus my eyes from the sudden light.

I feel Lucas putting his arm around me protectively, pulling me close to him, starting to walk towards the elegant little dining place.

I see reflections of the flashlights again and again, the woman calling Lucas by his surname, but he just ignores it as he tries to shield me from the invasion of privacy.

When we stepped inside, I immediately regretted saying yes for accompanying him. I felt super underdressed. No scratch that, let me put it this way, I would know exactly how a homeless person would feel if he suddenly got invited to go to a Hilton hotel.

I could feel the heat rushing into my face.

"Lucas, take me home!" I pulled on his jacket against his arm, whisper yelling into his ear.

"Why?" He asks suprised as he turns to look at me, a little frown in between his brows visible.

"Are you kidding me? Look at this place! Look at how I'm dressed!" I continue my frantic rant.

"You look fine." He states calmly as a grin sprung onto his face.

"Please Lucas.." I whine desperately. Oops too late, a waitress already saw us.

I dropped my head in shame, hearing the woman asking us: "Table for two?" And Lucas reply: "Private booth please." Oh wow thank the lord no prying eyes could see us.

We made our way to the private booth, me nearly dragging the both of them just to get away from the fancyness.

As we got seated, Lucas pulled the chair out for me and went to his own chair. He sat down, the waitress admiring him obviously, waiting to take our order.

"Anything to drink?" She asks with a big white smile. I check her over. She looks professional but kind of like a courtesan. Blonde hair, red plumpy lips, pale skin with bright blue eyes. Perfect body to fit the black and white attire, almost looking like a stripper flight attendant..

"Red wine for me and-" Lucas gestures towards me and I quickly respond: "Orange juice please."

She nodded with a big smile, almost creepy, then turned and quickly walked away with our order.

"I hate you.." I mumbled as I awkwardly shift, as if I would magically disappear or something.

"Darling, at least you have feelings for me." He said teasingly with that absolutely delicious british accent of his.

"Shut up." I snapped but couldn't help letting out a giggle.

The waitress returned with our drinks and asked us for our dinner order.

"What would you like to eat sir?" She asks overly friendly, trying to show off her boobs in a shameful manner. Ugh.

"Steak. Rare. Thank you." He said short and sweetly.

Sold as a bride to a vampire princeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora