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Strange noises woke me up. Barely. I let out a groan as I came to. I felt cold and wet and my cheek was numb from the feeling. As I pushed myself off of the filthy ground, another groan escaped my lips.

"Oh my god, my head." I moaned as I stood up straighter, reaching for the back of my head with my hand.

The strange noises hindered me, so I glanced around to see where I am.

It was disgusting to say the least. There was rats scurrying about, and bugs crawling in the darkest corners. The floor was just plain concrete that had a water puddle near the middle from water leaking somewhere. No windows. The only light source in the room was a flickering old lightbulb swinging in the middle of the ceiling. I took a wiff of the air and almost immediately gaggad while quickly covering my lower face with my inner elbow.

The smell was just awful. It was a mix of decay, mould and piss.

I looked down at myself to see I was still wearing the hospital gown. Only I was covered in filth.
And wet from lying on the floor.

Where in god's name am I? I was freaking out. I need to get out of this creepy place.

I spotted a door at the far end of the room and quickly dashed for it.

I violently pulled on it because of the adrenaline rush from being scared and it creaked open.

I slowly opened it, peeking around it cautiously.

My eyes nearly tore from the sight in front of me.

It appeared to be a burned down room. But that's not all..

You can litteraly see the human shadows against the burned walls and even on the floor.

There was a few cages with something in it, I am guessing also what used to be human.

Bile rose in my throat at the sight but I kept it down. I forced myself to move my feet forward and slowly I began walking. I kept my hands over my face to avoid the stench as much as possible.

I barely made it a few feet when I heard loud, unnerving footsteps echoeing off the walls. I froze immediately, watching the other side of the room very carefully and listening intently.

Then suddenly a loud ruckus came from the old door and I got such a huge fright that I fell backwards onto the disgusting floor.

I started hyperventilating and I got chest pains, so I grabbed at my chest, struggling to breath.

"Get her off the floor now!" Someone's angry voice bounced off the walls around me.

Someone grabbed me and I tried to see who but my mind was so set on me not being able to breath properly.

I felt a sharp stinging sensation and when I looked down my shoulder I saw a syringe and a hand holding it. Before sleep took over my body I saw who was holding the injection in my arm..


Soooo..... who took our girl? Isit someone we know? Or a new character? Soooo manyyyyyy many manyyyyyyyyyyyyyy questions... so few answers. LOL i should change my name to 'the suspense' so u guys can say the suspense is killing me 😂😂😂😂😄😄😄😄😄

You love me.

No.. stay back! Ahhhhhh!

Ps. The ring will be used in a future chapter. And the dedication along with it 😁 yay

Next chapter.. coming soon.

Vote comment faaaaan if you dare hehe

Freakynikki ^()^

Sold as a bride to a vampire princeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora