The Mall

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Chapter 2

The next morning I woke up with a beaming headache. I slowly rose from my comfy bed and groaned when the sunlight shocked through my precious cornea. Just dandy Stormlyn... You just had to go out partying to be a bad rebellious daughter and hate struck ex girl friend of oh so mister popular Danny. Hmmmff.

I sigh. I groggily get out of bed and slump over to my bathroom. Before I enter I quickly steal a glance at the wall clock. 7:13 a.m. ...

I decide to freshen up and take a nice hot relaxing shower.

I open the hot water and wait for it to steam up before I adjust the cold water.

I quickly undress from my party clothes and get in.

I soak myself under the hot shower and relax my whole body. I squirm some nice exotic shampoo on my long red hair. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I got a total make-over after my break up with those traitors. So, let me re-introduce myself. I'm 5'8, skinny but not anorexic or anything, I've got a light tan skin and I wear a size 5 shoe. I have weird eyes though. It's like a greyish-blue but with a hint of green. All depends on my mood, which is not very good the last three months. Ugh. And of course bright red long hair.

Plus my closet got a make-over too. I went crazy and went all dark and mysterious. Now, I was a popular girl not only because of my parents, but also I'm a very good athlete.

You can just imagine what that did to my reputation. But I laughed at it all because I feel so much more free than before. I felt like I owed the world something for being the daughter of an infamous tycoon and had to prove myself worthy by excelling academically and in sport.

Oh well. Suck it world! I'm over making everyone else happy at the expense of my own.

So... Enough about my sad sad everyday teen story of a life. Back to reality.

I sighed as I cleansed myself and my hair until I was happy about no more shampoo buzzing on my hair.

I closed the shower and stepped out of it while grabbing a soft fluffy towel. Hmmm smells so fresh.

I quickly dry myself and wrap myself in the towel. I walked over to my closet and browsed through my clothing until I decided on a black skinny torn jean and a black tank top. I pulled on some grey sneakers to break the blackness of my outfit. I let my red hair fall freely and dry naturally. I glance over to the time and see it's almost 9.

Great stuff. I quickly grab my phone and call the insurance company to let them know about my car and what not.

After that was taken care of, I decided to go to the mall, it is Saturday after all.

I grabbed a bag and my phone and wallet and threw it all in the bag. I walked downstairs and called a cab from one of the oh so overly many useless house phones and went outside to wait for it. I am NOT taking a chauffeur to the mall I'm very sorry. You guys must think I'm such an ungrateful bitch. Truth be told, money is nothing without someone to share it with. Am I being irrational?

I got ripped back to reality when I heard the cab driver yell at me. The nerve. Honestly.

I quickly jumped in and directed him to the mall.

In about 20 minutes we arrived cause we had to drive out of town to the city.

I got out and paid the cab driver giving him a handsome tip. I'm sure it will make him happier than it does me.

I breathed in deeply and took in the sight before me. This mall is huge..

Okay, so where to begin...

Sold as a bride to a vampire princeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora