Almost Lost

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I can hear the suffering of millions, but I see only darkness. The whispering of the damned walling me in, even though there is no walls. 

It's slowly driving me insane. It feels like an eternity has gone by with this suffering blankness.

That is, until this moment.

"Stormlyn." I hear a slithering voice hiss.

I whip around and do a 360 degree scan around me, but come up with only cold empty darkness.

"Who's there?" I ask, my voice shaking.

Suddenly a misty figure appear in front of me, slowly solidifying into solid form. It's a man. Or at least it looks like a man. He is average height, black hair and grey eyes. He is pale, but not sickly pale. He is also wearing a black suit and tie. But the thing that distinguish him the most is the small horns on his head. Actual horns people.

"Stormlyn. Hello dear child. Names are not important at this moment, but your role in this world is. Please, take a seat." He says smoothly while gesturing behind me with his hand.

Confused I look back over my shoulder and see a complete, homely sitting area, along with a crackling fireplace. There is even an earthy color rug beneath the area.

Flabbergasted, I gape at the scene, then back at the man.

"How.. What are you?" I question half confused, half on my guard with this stranger.

He smiles at me, and I get a full view of a row of perfect white teeth, except for 4 front teeth, which are sharper, longer type like canines. "Curious aren't you? Very well. I shall grant you this knowledge. I am a demon. Now, please take a seat." He continues to be courteous, and I slowly walk over to the sitting chairs and take a seat. I half expected to fall right through it though.

But before he can start talking, I almost yell my question at him. "Are you possessing my body?"

He just gives me a crooked smile, before lighting a cigarette. "I am and I am not. You cannot possess something that is yours." He says as he takes a smoke while staring at me. 

"What is that supposed to mean?" I question, getting angry at his confusing answers. 

"It means what it says it means." He simply states with a smile, leaning forward in his chair now.

I stare at him, trying to comprehend what his end game is. Wait... 

"You like to play games don't you?" I question, hoping I got some lead.

He continues to stare at me, before another smile makes its way onto his face. 

"Drink?" He offers, and I can see him watching me so closely, I feel like he is searching for my deepest, darkest secrets. I hesitantly nod. Better be nice and get answers, than arrogant and lost.

He pours me a cup of something, I am hoping it's tea or coffee. He hands it to me, and I smell it first. Sweet tea. I take a cautious sip and it warms me to my core.

"Is it to your liking?" He asks, still the ever gentleman.

"Yes, thank you. What is happening to me?" I ask the question, because I can feel something is wrong with me. It's like I exist, but also not exist. It's a strange feeling and you just know something is off.

He slowly sips at his cup, then puts it down on the coffee table. He sits up straighter, and looks at me giving me again a simple smile. "You are morphing into your true self. Your current state of mind cannot handle the transformation, so we suppressed your conscious mind and took over until we feel you can handle all this beautiful chaotic power residing inside you." 


"Took over? Like in possession? You have no right! You better let me free demon!" I almost spat at him, the look of pure bliss and pleasure at my cost shining through his demonic features. His eyes turned dark and inky veins started to show on his skin.

"Be careful, girl. You might get what you wish for and won't like the end result." He stares at me with his dark, eery gaze and sinister smile. I can almost swear I can hear a change in octave in his voice also.

"Is that a threat?" I question challenging. 

"No, it is simply a warning. As it is your mind is in complete chaos and fragile, and you have no idea of the havoc that is being reaped because of your instability at this time. Should you regain consciousness at this time, you will destroy both yourself and everything in your path. Your mind will, well, basically be broken in simple terms. I am doing you a favor girl." He calmly states as he relaxes back into the chair.

"I will kill you when I get free." I threatened him. His smile just grew at my revelation and I swear I could see a twinkle in his eyes.

"Aren't you just the perfect little thing?" He questions in awe, while getting up. I feel something inside my blood, I actually mean inside my blood, moving and pulling and then I am on my feet moving towards him. I have no control and then I am in front of him. He stares down at me, lifting his hand,  which now more looks like a type of claw, and strokes my cheek. I shudder in disgust but can't do anything. I am frozen in place at his command it would seem. And then something exceptionally disgusting happens: he licks my face with a long, forked tongue.

Still frozen, and utterly disgusted, I can't do anything against him. He knows this and just smiles down at me.

"Oh Stormlyn, you are gonna be my most perfect offspring I ever created, and I am going to mold you into my image." And just like that, everything went silent again and I was surrounded by darkness once more.


So.... Is it okeyish? I tried to give you guys something so long. I am so sick. Like on the verge of bronchitis and lorengitis *cries* Also, typos.

Welp, tell me your thoughts??

Freakynikki ^()^   

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