The camping weekend (Part 1)

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We drove in total silence for about 15 minutes before Kaidan spoke up.

"So..." He started off trying to lighten the mood.

"So what?" I ask still glaring out of the passenger window.

"Why so grumpy?" He finally asks the question I could see bugging him all afternoon.

"What do you mean? I'm delightful." I say sarcastic and turn to look at him.

He lets out a laughter.

I just raise my eyebrows at him giving him a questioning look.

"God Stormlyn, you're so serious." He teases me.

I give him the 'really now?' facial expression.

"Is this because of Sabrina?" He asks flatly with his eyes back on the road.

"Why would it be about her?" I ask annoyed.

"It is! Tell you what..." He started off.

My head snap to his direction.

"What?" I ask demanding.

"Ask me anything you want to know about her." He stated plainly.

"Really?" I ask hopeful.

"Yeah why not. Maybe it will open your love sick puppy eyes towards Lucas." He shrugs.

I just glare at him. Such a jackass.

"Who is she?" I ask the obvious first question.

"You mean who is she to Lucas?" He rearranges the question to what I really wanted to know.

I kept quiet. He glanced over to me.

"Hey... She will never be you." He spoke with genuinity.

"Hah she wish she could be all this." I said cheekily while gesturing to all of me.

He laughs.

"So to answer your question.. She and Lucas go way back. He even cared for her once in a more romantic way. I can't say I blame him - she is hot and willing." He said as if it is old news.

"Excuse me?" I ask him a bit agitated. He is ruining my night ahead for me already.

"You're just hot. Not willing. Anyway, Lucas met her when she was still just a peasant girl. Her human beauty fascinated him - and he wanted her. But back then Sabrina still had morals. She was an innocent pure hearted girl. But non the less, she secretly enjoyed the attention she was getting from a royal prince." He paused, staring my way.

"She knew what he was then?" I ask somewhat suprised.

"No no, remember our father was once royalty to your people too." He stated bluntly.

"Ohh yeah, sorry." I whisper encouraging him to continue.

"So one day he was waiting for her at their secret meeting place, but when she didn't show up after 2 hours he went looking for her at her home. Only he was not prepared for what he walked in on." Kaidan stopped briefly.

My eyes went big and my heart rate increased. This is getting suspenseful.

"What happened?" I ask shakily.

"He found her almost lifeless body in a puddle of blood on the floor. She was barely alive and holding on. So he did the only selfish thing he could. He changed her."

I felt bad for Sabrina. No one deserves what happened to her.

"But Sabrina changed. She was filled with rage and anger and hate. She didn't care for Lucas anymore - she only wanted revenge. She disappeared and Lucas lost it. He became irrational and sadistic. He drank a lot. And as years passed by, one day Sabrina pitched up again. Lucas was infuriated at the sight of her. But, seeing as Lucas changed her, she inherited an ability. She used it to calm him and she explained herself to him. He forgave her, but their relationship was never the same again. Instead, they became good friends. How true it is, I don't know. It was wayyy before my time." Kaidan finishes his story.

Sold as a bride to a vampire princeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora