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Chapter 9

*Saturday morning*

I slowly open my eyes, tossing and turning in the comfortable bed that was supporting my fragile little body, when I suddenly open them widely.

Why you ask? Well a certain someone was sitting next to me on the bed. I quickly sat up staring at him annoyed.

"Ever heard of privacy?!" I yell at him.

He sat there with a grin. Ugh...

"I have, but you are mine. I think it's acceptable for me to intrude in my own room." He says with sarcasm.

Such a dweeb.

"Well get out, you creep." I shot a glare at him.

"I will, as soon as you enlighten me with your.. How can I put this? 'Late night activities'." He says with the british accent flowing through again. SHIT..

"Why?" I question bluntly. Seriously, this guy needs a lesson on people skills. And what's acceptable to ask girls you barely know and what not.

"Because my sweet, innocent Stormlyn... You are my business. Now I know you didn't leave on your own.." He states more threatingly than a question.

"I am NOT yours. Get that in your head." I snap at him irritated.

"Oh Stormlyn, you are so young and naïve. And a bit rebellious.. I should change that." He says darkly and I see a flash of anger in his eyes.

I scoff at him, daring him to do something.

An amused expression came visible on his face.

"Michael." He said sharply and in came Michael, one of our security guards remember?

My eyes trail to him and shock took over my body. Why is he here?

"This is Mi-" Lucas started to introduce but I cut him off.

"Yes I know who he is. Why is he here? He works for my dad." I asked accusingly.

"Well, Michael here actually works for me. You see, I offered your parents his services with a hidden agenda, of course.." Lucas deviously starts explaining.

I jump off the bed, still in yesterday's clothing.

"What agenda?" I question nervously.

"Well, you see Stormlyn, I like to keep tabs on my investments." His cold dark voice broke through. I started feeling sick.

"Investments?" I involuntarily ask the question.

"In other words... You. Miss Mareu." Lucas casually slipped the words.

"I am not yours! Get that in your thick skull!" I grew more and more impatient with this arrogant man.

"Michael, please explain to young miss Mareu here, what happens when I get disobeyed?" Lucas requested from Michael, his gaze never leaving mine.

I hear Michael clear his throat, standing in a perfect soldier posture.

"Punishment as deemed fit by you, sir." Michael speaks clear and soldier like.

I swallowed nervously. Are you kidding me? We live in a civilised age! I'm not some peasant girl who got caught stealing an apple!

My gaze return to Lucas, who seems to be quite thrilled with himself.

"Well then Michael... You know what to do." Lucas barked while giving me a sadistic glare.

I instantly pale at his command. What is he going to do to me? Torture me? I start hyperventilating.

Sold as a bride to a vampire princeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon