I Don't Know...

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Remember our cries during Marikana
Or when they tried to silence us
Th comrades for Fees Must Fall

Then they shun the light at state capture
Couldn't fool us
There's always darkness around a spotlight
It's all starting to sound like truth and reconciliation
Always forgive and definitely forget
No one ever pays their debt

The guilty go unpunished yet again
Déjà vu - that budget speech sounds the same
Same promises disguised as the 'New Dawn'

You've seen them sit and yawn
All day in Parliament
While we common folk brace for the storm
And it's coming fast and strong
They'll get you thinking this is a song
That all is fine - nothing is wrong

But who will hear me?
My echoes bounce off their SUV'S
I'm left in the dust
Just like our SOE's

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