The Comrade

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Why they always silence us
From Hani, King and X
I sometimes wonder am I next
For I know I'll never dwell in silence

I live by a simple guideline
Fear none, respect all
Maybe this will cause my downfall

But to be honest
It is better to live for the truth
Than to wallow in the filth
Of prepaid election lies
Still waiting on tomorrow's freedom

Defeated is thy kingdom
Long live the spirit of the people
If we've learnt anything from wisdom
Is that nations fall before they rise

Put down those boxing gloves
This is a fight for the intellectual minds
You want to be a hero
Generation Z assemble

This time there will be no end game
This here is a marathon
Can't you see the elders are tired
It's time that they hand over the baton
This is not a race
But at this pace
There will be no "New Dawn"

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