Chapter 17: Boy With Luv

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You are aware of your body, feeling weightless, floating in a fog. The fog is opaque, with an iridescent glow to it, comforting and warm. You can feel a slight pain running through your temple, but starts to grow more faint the more you become aware. You can sense an awareness in your mind, an unlocking of memories that had been stored throughout the years. It feels freeing, and you now know that all these years the migraines were linked to the mind block you had of these memories.

You look around, noticing a shining outline forming in front of you.

It's you.

But not the you of the 21st century, it's one of your past lives, a soft smile gracing her face as she looks at you, not fully corporeal.

"In the beginning, there was a balance. Good and evil, creating a delicate equilibrium in this life on Earth. Both are needed, and continue to be needed. As humans, we wouldn't know what good is without evil, wouldn't know light without dark. And without the dark, we wouldn't be able to see the light of the moon.

But evil is evil, and it is greedy.

The balance was disrupted long before we were born, but you were always destined to restore it."

You watch as she waves her arm, and the iridescent, cloud-like matter flows to create images as she continues speaking.

"Once, you were born in a place of power. A Princess. You commissioned the help of mages to battle the evil. It was wreaking havoc among your people."

The scene before you depicts a beautiful young woman distraught as she watches fires raging through a kingdom and the villages surrounding, locusts, and darkness throughout the land, not unlike the Ten Plagues of Egypt. It shifts to the young woman in a large meadow full of light blue flowers, and a gorgeous man approaching her. Those recognize them then. It's yo ur Jung kook. The past you reaches out for him, and you embrace, and you know without a doubt that you belong to each other at the deepest level of your souls.

"You fell in love...we—fell in love. In that time, you could never have been with someone in his position. It's lucky that you can be together fully now. But despite that, he was willing to follow us to the end of the Earth, and did so. He is and will always be, the greatest love of our lives."

The mist swirls, revealing you running through a field of flowers with that man trailing you, then shifting again to you standing before seven handsome men.

"We have failed to destroy the ANTI over and over. We have never lived past thirty years on Earth. Not you or the brave men you walk Earth with. Some of the lives we have lived ended early...your parents death was no accident. The evil wanted you dead. Anyway that it could, no matter who else was harmed. "

The next scenes flash fast, showing all eight of your bodies, lifeless, then your parents smiling faces, a small you crying at the funeral, before she wipes it away.

"The ANTI is another level of evil that disrupts the balance. Every lifetime, you have been able to contain the ANTI, but not eliminate it fully."

The beautiful woman before you, who says she is a past version of you, begins to fade.

"I leave you with the same piece of advice I have given you each lifetime. 'A great sacrifice is needed to conquer the ANTI, trust that you can survive without it.' Good luck."

She fades away, leaving behind a small yet brilliant crystal. It fits in the palm of your hand, you realize, after it floats towards you and you reach for it. It is full of warmth, a feeling of hope and love that leaves you feeling happy despite the sad story you have just heard. The fog around you begins to swirl, gaining in speed until you can't see anything, and the aura of the room begins to grow into a blinding white

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