Chapter 6: Art Gone Wrong

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You awake in your bed, feeling overheated. Not yet opening your eyes, you can feel the presence of another body in front of you, two warm arms draped around your bare waist, your own leg thrown over another's. You adjust very minimally, not wanting to disturb him, and feel his fingers contract slightly on your back, infinitesimally pulling you closer, despite your current proximity.


Suddenly, both arms tighten around you as he rolls onto his back, taking you with him. Your eyes fly open as you take in your new position lying prone along Jungkook's body.



His sleepy voice is low, with eyes to match, and bed head that is sticking up wildly, but in a cute way. He has a sleepy bunny smile on his face as he looks at you.

"What time is it?" He asks, so you turn to the small clock beside the bed.

"Wow, we slept's 1." You're shocked at the lateness of your slumber. Usually you struggle with sleep due to the dreams. But last night you had the most peaceful sleep that you can remember in your life.

Jungkook's hand drifts from your back to rest gently on your butt cheek.

"I think we wore each other out..."

You feel a warmth rise to your cheeks, suddenly feeling shy. Are you still naked? Yes. Intertwined in your bed? Yes. But somehow discussing it in broad daylight, you feel timid. His other hand moves to cup your face, his thumb brushing against your reddening cheek.

"Hey," he says, his voice slightly worried. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," you looked down at his chest, breaking eye contact, "I just feel shy for some reason."

He tilts your chin back up, raising his head so your lips can meet.

"No need to feel shy, Y/N. Everything that happened was beyond perfect."

You lean back down to return this kiss, his words calming your insecurities. You feel like you're falling fast for him. You've known him for a couple of years, he's been friends with Seokjin for some time now, but you were never close. Now in the span of what? 2 or 3 weeks? Your heart is racing over him. Never one to be head over heels for any guy, yet here comes this baby bunny of the group and you're smitten? You shook your head, clearing these thoughts.

"Do you want to shower and get some food?" You question him.

"Only if you get in with me," he proposes before getting up out of bed and throwing you over his shoulder to trot to the bathroom.

D-7 till Taehyung's Art Exhibit

Taehyung is running around the venue frantically. He had a week left to get ready for his art show installation at the small gallery on campus. It's a focus on movement, the way that the world moves, that different elements move, people move, etc. As he told Jimin, it's all about capturing life as it's happening, being present in the moment, and not focusing on the past or the future.

Jimin wished his best friend could be more like his installation.

"Jiminie, you don't understand. I can't just 'chill', I need to make sure everything goes well! I'm sorry if I'm a little stressed right now, but saving the world is going to have to sit on the back-burner so that I can get through next Saturday."

Jimin sighs, sitting on the only unoccupied bench on the gallery floor. Taehyung rifles through boxes on the bench across the hardwood floors, searching for the photo he needs for a specific wall space.

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