Chapter 14: I'll Give it to You

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It definitely feeds into all of your insecurities, seeing Jungkook with another girl. You sit on the floor of the entryway to your apartment, silent tears streaming down your face. You wonder if he had kissed that girl because it had been so long since you two had seen each other and been intimate.

You wipe at your face, shaking your head. It can't be that. It's literally only been a week, you think. And no matter how you think about it, all you can come up with is that maybe you really are in two different spaces. He's still young, just twenty-four, and you know that at your age, you're looking for more than frat parties and making bad decisions. In your mind, you and Jungkook have been moving towards a relationship, but you remember what it was like at twenty-four. A relationship? Hell no.

You finally drag yourself off of the floor, leaving your shoes at the doorway and shuffling your way to the master bathroom. You turn on your bluetooth speaker, syncing it to your "Sad Bitch" playlist, before turning on the water. Please by Chelsea Cutler and Jeremy Zucker begins to play through the speaker, and you feel new tears begin their descent down your face. You strip down and step into the scalding water. No one can tell you're crying when you stand beneath the shower.

Once you feel like you have drowned your sorrows enough for the evening, you curl up on your couch, avoiding the bedroom you had been dreaming of sharing with Jungkook tonight. You had been hoping that the two of you would make it official and end up intertwined. The TV is playing in the background, a favorite show of yours that you typically use to pull you out of a funk. But with the school year over, other stressors were at the forefront of your mind and you feel more overwhelmed when you add in the end of whatever it was between you and Jungkook. You lean your head back on the couch, taking a slow deep breath. Maybe moving is what you need right now.

As you sit there in your own head, you slowly start to build up a resolve. You'll look for houses to rent tomorrow morning, then start packing the things you don't really need on a day to day basis in the afternoon. You can then search the internet that evening for jobs at the local schools, and forget all about that tall, wonderfully built, funny, considerate, bunny-smiled guy who you are three words away from...well, before he shattered your entire heart. You look at the ceiling fan, watching the blades spin above you.

Jungkook tries to follow you, but the crowd of people outside the fraternity house makes it difficult to move down the steps. By the time he's on the sidewalk, you've already disappeared. He assumes you have gone home, so he heads that way, but when he gets to your place and knocks, there's no answer. He thinks he can hear music or something coming from inside, but it's hard to tell with the other apartments being so close where the music was actually coming from. He pulls out his phone and sends you several messages, but they all go unread. He tries to call once, as a last ditch effort, but it goes to voicemail.

Jungkook stands up and heads back out of the building to go back to find the guys. He knows that the scene you had walked up to was bad, but he knows that if you'll just give him a chance to talk, you'll see that it's all just a misunderstanding. And he's fairly sure you will give him a chance. He knows that if he bats his big brown eyes at you, you'll let him explain. He's so confident in the two of you. He knows that he's falling in love with you and that you have to feel the same way too, so there's no way that you'll avoid him. Right?

2 weeks later

Yoongi drops the box he is holding onto the floor of the kitchen. Behind him, Seokjin and Namjoon are carrying the mattress into the doorway. It is hot, summers are always hot and humid, but you are supplying water, beer, and of course, pizza, so that the guys who were so kind to help you move in will treat your possessions well as they unload the U-Haul truck out in your driveway. Your d r i v e w a y! You jump up and down outside in excitement as you turn and look up at your cute little home. You had gotten lucky, on your second day of looking for a place, finding a 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom home with an open floor plan. It is honestly so perfect to you, big enough that you can turn the extra room into your woman-cave or whatever it's called for girls, and let the rest of the home look normal for the most part when visitors come over. You grab the last of the kitchen boxes, and walk down the ramp to place it in the kitchen before closing up the truck and joining the boys in the living room, where they are sitting on the floor, scarfing down the pizza you bought. You carry over some napkins they left on the counter over to them, giving them a pointed look to not spill pizza sauce or toppings on your new carpets as you reach for a slice.

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