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Narrator's P.O.V.
Team 7 safely landed in Konoha.They already reported their mission. Inari waved at them and said that she will go to eat and then they will train like always.Sasuke just walked away.While Naruto and Sakura was walking Konohamaru,Moegi and Udon joined them.When Konohamaru dumped in someone and fell dawn.

Naruto's P.O.V.

We were walking when Konohamaru dumped in someone and fell dawn.I looked up and that guy seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Narrator P.O.V.
Guy lifted Konohamaru up and Naruto yelled"Put him dawn you cat guy put him dawn right now."angrily. Guy got angry and trow Konohamaru on ground.He then got thing from his back."Kankuro you are going to use crow for this.You know he will get angry,let's just move on."said girl next to Knakuro.Just as Sasuke was about to trow rock and when Gaara was about to get dawn from tree Inari came out and said "Yo Knakuro long time no see"and walked toward him.Kankuro saw her and put thing back on his back "Yeah long time no
see."they then hug."I heard you wanted to attack one of these children's is that true"she asked."Yeah I don't know they were with you I'm deeply sorry"he said and put his head dawn showing he is sorry.To say everyone is shocked is understanding.Gaara was more then shocked like everyone else.He had seen Knkuro apologise but just to him and their father sometimes he would even put on a fight but to this girl he just apologised.She must be something different he taught."It's Ok we all make mistakes."as she said that Gaara and Sasuke came dawn from tree.Sasuke and everyone expect Inari were shocked to see Gaara but just let it go."I apologise from my siblings mistakes we will leave now."as they started to walk away Sakura said "Wait not that fast you are from sand village from what I see so you better have good explanation for why you are here"trying to sound smart. "Don't worry we are here for chunin exams."said girl "What are those chunin exams"Naruto asked questionably while Konohamaru explained it to him Sasuke said"What is your name ""Who me I'm Temari"she replied."Not you the guy with red hair"he said annoyed of one more fangirl."Gaara I'm also curious about your name"Gaara said eyeing Sasuke."Sasuke Uchiha.""I bet you are dying to know my name"Naruto said proudly."I would care less but I'm interested in the blond girl"he pointed on Inari."Inari Yamanaka panda boy"she said winking.Gaara blushed but tried tried hiding it by telling them they will move on.

Gaara's P.O.V.
When she said panda boy I couldn't help but blush.I said that we will go and quickly turned around and started walking."Kankuro can I ask you from where you know that Inari girl"I heard Temari in back asking Kankuro."Oh you remember that one mission when I came back in morning that night I was with her we were training together and fell asleep.Ee hugged while sleeping you should have seen her she was so cute." Knkuro answered while funboying."Then why did you apologise to her"I asked. "Oh she is extremely strong she was born in Hyuga clan but got adopted in Yamanaka clan so she can do both clan technics.While fighting she didn't use her full power but was stronger then me I don't know but I think maybe she is stronger then even Gaara himself.I don't know but there is something about her that just give of this strange feelings."I know I felt it too I don't know but I also think she may be stronger the me.I now for sure that we should keep our guard up around her."I said as we came to our destination.
"We have to keep an eye on her kid she is dangerous for us" I heard Shukaku.
Hm why would he say something like that.

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