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Narrators P.O.V.
"Sasuke point B"

"Sakura point C"

"Naruto point D"

"Inari with target,target cat Tora is with me"
"Ok guys let's go to Hokage tower and get another mission."Said Kakashi.
(In tower)
While the woman was killing her cat hokage was giving team 7 another mission.
"Your next mission is babysitting son of the p-"
Then Naruto cut him off "Come on gramps I'm not little brat anymore I'm real ninja now and I want a mission that isn't babysitting some kid I want a real action"he said angrily."Ok you can have an mission to protect someone on his way back home"said hokage."Who is it some feudal prince or princess or-"Naruto was short cut of by some old drunk guy who said "What is this some joke to you a bunch of kids to protect me and this little there are you serious"Naruto started laughing "Who is little guy" we lined up Sasuke and Inari were the same high then Sakura and lastly Naruto he saw that he was the shortest among them and said "I will kill you you old guy"but Kakashi stped him and told him "Naruto you can't kill person you are protecting.So team let meet in three hours on gate be ready so bye.They all took of.

Inari's P.O.V.
While on my way home I stopped by one shop and brought new outfit.Then I got home and started packing for our mission and finally dressed up in new outfit

When I was done it was time to go so I said goodbye to my family and started walking to gate.When I got there everyone was there and the was surprised with my new outfit."So let's go" I said and we all started walking.I was staying behind so I can see with my byakugan if something attack us.When we passed by puddle it was strange because it hasn't rained for days even weeks so I used my byakugan and saw two chakras and I slowly walked back and pressed some of theirs chakra points in arms and legs.And I then got back with my team."Good job Inari"said sensei and I just smiled.We then crossed river with boat I took a little break and laid my head on Sasukes shoulder I saw Sakura glare at me but I was too tired to do anything and fall asleep.

Sasuke's P.O.V.
We were on boat and Inari looked tired and laid her head on my shoulder I saw Sakura glare at her but Inari however fall asleep.I have to be truthful I like her a little but just a little ok.

Inari's P.O.V.
While I was sleeping I hear Kimmie talking so I asked him "Kimmie you need something baby"(I'm calling him baby cuz he want me to do it or he will come out and kill someone,yeah little possessive but just a little.)"Baby I'm tired here I just sleep and you don't talk to me these days" I'm sorry I'm just tired and we had tests and missions so I didn't have much time I'm sorry baby"
I said pouting."You are forgiven bebe look how cute you are"he said blushing he continues to fanboy so I just go back to sleep.
After some time Naruto shake me and said we were there.While we were walking I sense someone's chakra so I checked it with my byakugan and saw sword flying toward us then Kakashi sensei said "Duck" we all ducked and sword Leander in the tree.
(Time skip to where Zabuza was unconscious)
While Zabuza guy laid there and masked guy comes slowly I used my byakugan and saw that he was still alive so I shouted "He is alive"and I ran toward masked guy and with gentle fist punched his chakra pints in arms and legs.He falled dawn so I took kunai and pointed it to Zabuza's neck and said "Gato is just playing with you guys"Kakashi sensei still shocked joined me Zabuza then said"I will believe you and I will kill him and help you guys if you let us live."breathless he tried saying it."Ok let's help them guys"said Kakashi sensei.We together helped them and stayed at Tazunas place.While we were eating Sakura asked about photo and Inari,not me Tazunas grandson got up and left us to eat.They told us a story about villages hero.It was touching.I then stand up and said "Kakashi sensei I'm going to train maybe I will come late tonight."Then I run off to forest.There I summoned wolf and transformed him into Kimmie.Kimmie gave me hug and kiss on cheek."Baby I miss you"he said still hugging me "Me too honey me too"I said and laughed."But you are here because I want to train with you.""Sure"he said and smiled."But first use your true form Kimmie" I said as I activated my byakugan."Are you sure last time it didn't go well and I don't want to hurt my baby"he said puffing his cheeks out."I'm sure now let's start.""Ok here we go"

""Ok here we go"

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