• Todoroki Shoto • (2)

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Does the song have anything to do with this? No, I just kinda had it stuck in my head.

 Fem! Reader

(Y/N)'s POV


"Shoto Todoroki. How dare you." They pulled apart surprised. "(Y/N)!! It's not what it looks like!" "Todo, who is that?" "Todo?" I chuckled. "How sweet." I grabbed the ring from my finger and threw it at the nurse, knocking her off of him. "I was his fiancé. Hope you two are happy together, really."


I opened my eyes in a panic, taking in a deep breath. I sat up and looked around. I can't believe I'm still having nightmares about him. It's been eight months for god's sake. I looked beside me and notice my friend, Himiko, was still sleeping soundly.

I met Himiko when I was blessed with the honor of being kidnapped by the League of Villains, but after being with them for a while. I now see that their cause isn't without reason, everyone is infected with the disgusting 'Hero Disease', I was once infected as well. I was a fool. I sighed and sat up, grabbing my phone from the charger on the bedside table.

It was early, 7:42 in the morning. I might as well stay up, no point in tossing and turning for another hour or more. I stood up and stretched. I looked out the boarded-up window in disgust. There were already heroes outside. What a nuisance.

I slipped on my shoes and walked out of my shared bedroom. Not wanting to wake up Himiko. She can get just a bit aggressive if you wake her, just a bit. Down the stairs and into the bar. I looked around. Dabi was awake, looking out the window and drinking something. 

"Couldn't sleep?" "Not without you." "You know Himiko insists she sleeps in the same bed as me." "I know, it's annoying. How am I supposed to fuck you when there's another person in the bed." I shook my head. "If you're only with me for the sex I'll kick your ass, boy." He glared at me. I in return smirked. He patted his leg and I walked over to him. I sat on his lap, facing him. "Let's go cause some havoc." I smiled. "Finally, I've been so bored lately." 

I stood up and grabbed his hand. Pulling him towards the door. He grabbed a white hoodie of his and put it on. I was dressed casually. Jeans, casual shoes, and a maroon hoodie. My hair was down and a mess. When you're a hero that's been missing for eight months people forget what you look like, so you don't worry too much about appearance. As far as anyone is concerned I've been dead for eight months. 

Doubt they even looked for me for that long. My agency found a new head honcho so they had no reason to look for me anymore. Dabi and I walked down the street, holding hands. Look around for people to kill or businesses to bother. We walked past a Hero's agency. Endeavor's agency. I felt myself frown, he's the number one hero now. How disgusting is that? "Dabi let's mess with him. Just a little bit!" He sighed but nodded his head. 

I walked into the agency, I had put on my mask. Unfortunately, it's still my 'hero' mask, I never did bother getting a new costume. "(H/N)..? Is that you?" I smiled at my supposed father-in-law-to-be. "(H/N) is dead, I'm just the sicko that liked her costume enough to take it from her dead rotting corpse!!" I activated my quirk and everyone and everything in the agency started floating up. "Now!" Dabi used his hellfire quirk and all the windows broke. The walls erupted in flames and they quickly spread. I left my quirk activated and ran off with my villainous lover.

"I wish we could've killed some of them." "Stop right there villains!" I looked back and saw the one candy cane-looking fucker I didn't ever want to see. "(V/N) let's go." I looked at Dabi and smirked. "So. We meet again Shoto. Couldn't handle us trashing's daddy's agency?" "If you turn yourselves in now I won't have to force you." I looked at him, angrily and took off my mask. "Try and beat me, my dear fiance." I grabbed Dabi's hand and put it around my waist. "Though I have been cheating on you. Guess we're even." Shoto looked at us in disbelief and confusion. I activated my quirk on him and Dabi threw him back with a fireball. 

I grabbed Dabi's hand once more and ran into the alleyway.

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