• Todoroki Shoto •

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Please skip or do not read this chapter if you or someone you know and love is going through this. I do not want to trigger any panic or anxiety attacks, I will do my absolute best to write an accurate and understanding one shot.

Requested by: HumanWhoHasNoLife

Depressed/ Suicidal Fem! Reader

(Y/N)'s POV

"Why is it that we stay with her?" "Perhaps she can't see how much we despise her." "You shouldn't be like that! That's your daughter!" "We have no reason to care for her when we have an amazing star child like you." "You have the quirks of your parents, you're doing great in school as well." 

"UA will have no reason to not let you in." "It's not all about the money or fame! That's my older sister, I love her. Why do you treat her so badly?" I sighed. I was by the front door, my family 'talking' in the living room. "She made it to UA too, she's in the hero class! What more do you want from her?" "Her academic performance is horrible! She made it in because before we knew your mother was pregnant with you I paid off the school to let her in no matter what."

I gasped. They did what? I looked back to the living room, disappointed. How could I believe that I had any worth? I grabbed my bag and left out the front door, closing it slowly from the outside. It's not fair to my younger sibling for me to leave, but I was nothing but a burden to my 'parents'.

I walked down the street, it was barely the afternoon, I had planned on leaving when everyone was asleep, but I suppose there's no time like the present.

I made my way to the lake, there were a few hills near it, I'm sure the scenery would be beautiful. I made my way up, I felt tired as I did so.

I hadn't been eating well and had not been getting the recommended hours of sleep. I didn't think it was important since well, I'll be leaving soon anyways.

I placed my bag down and took a seat next to it. The view was indeed beautiful. Beautiful scenery for my last memory.

I had been planning this day for such a long time now. My parents didn't want me, I was a failure in school, I felt like a burden to everyone in my life. Now I don't feel much of anything, except for one thing I suppose. Numbness.

I used to feel happiness, which was sadly too long ago. Once It was obvious that I would not be able to have both of my parents' quirks I was deemed a nuisance to them. They couldn't get rid of me, they had already bribed my junior high and UA to let me in, it would hurt their public figures and pride to have their child drop out, no matter how much of a disappointment.

I let my legs dangle off the 'edge' of the hill. A soft wind began blowing. My phone started to ring, I looked at it. It was my younger sibling, I wanted to answer, but I knew they'd try to stop me. I silenced it and placed it in my bag. It was a cool summer evening, we don't get those too often.

I looked down into the lake, it was a long fall. It began to rain, or so I thought. I placed my hand on my cheek, I was crying. Why I couldn't remember the last time I did.

"Why am I crying..?" I cleaned the tears away but more kept falling faster and faster. I was sobbing, my pent-up emotions had finally broken the bottle, they were overflowing.

I was overwhelmed by sadness once more. I wish there was another way, a way that I meant something to someone. I stood up, grabbed my bag, and put it on.

I cleaned my face once more. "I'm sorry." I jumped off, it felt as if I was falling in slow motion. I managed to turn around in the air, I saw my teardrops in the sky as I fell. Then, a hand, someone reaching out.

"(Y/N)-!!" I kept looking, I knew that voice. Then I saw him, the red and white-haired male. "Todoroki.." His eyes wide, he looked pale. I gave him a small smile and closed my eyes.

I thought of him as a friend, perhaps secretly hoping for something more, but he was with Yaoyorozu. He was happy with her, who would I be to interfere with that. Dare I say I loved him, he was one of the people at school who bothered to talk to me, he made me feel something. Perhaps it was happiness, I felt once again enclined to smile. Thinking about memories of him, of our time together as friends.

But too soon was my smile snatched from my face, I felt immense pain on my lower back and my legs, I cried out in pain but I was soon engulfed by the water, it pulled me down to the bottom of the lake, refusing to let me go. Water filled my mouth then my lungs, I couldn't breathe. I was drowning.

I realized there was no happy ending for me.


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