• Todoroki Shoto •

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Request by: me myself and I because heartbreak suckssss :')

Fem! Reader

(Y/N)'(s) POV

"You can't hide in your room all day." "Come on let's go to the mall." "It won't do you any good to sulk." "Come on (Y/N)! I'm sure there's a bunch of cute guys at the mall!"

I pulled the covers closer to my body. I didn't want to go out anywhere, I didn't want to see anyone if I didn't have to. I wanted to stay in my dorm and cry, forever. The door opened to reveal my friends outside of our school uniform and in more casual going-out clothes.

"Let's go!" "We brought you an outfit!" "What part of I don't want to go don't you guys understand?! I feel like crap! I'm heartbroken, please.. leave me alone.."

Momo came up to me and sat at my bedside. "We won't leave you alone, because we know it sucks. I can't believe that jerk left you like that, you certainly didn't deserve that." "Momo is right. Please, just put this on and we can go get ice cream at the mall and come right back."

I sniffled. "Ice cream does sound nice.." I felt Momo stand up, she pulled the covers off of my face. "Oh, darling.." "We got an emergency.." "Don't tell me that!" I pouted. "Do I really look that bad?" They shyly nodded in agreement. They exited the room to let me change, once I did so I opened the door and let them back inside my room.

Momo cleaned my face with some makeup wipes and added very light makeup, to you know, hide my bags and puffy under eyes.

"Oh wow, you look amazing!" "Maybe I look amazing but I don't feel amazing.." Mina grabbed my hand and stood me up. "Come on and here! Put these on."

She handed me a pair of headphones. "I'm going to play a song on repeat for you until we get there and you can't take them off okay?" I sighed, but nonetheless, put on the headphones.

"Okay, you can start it I guess." She pressed play and it began. They started walking and I followed.

I had never heard of this song before, the start is kinda catchy.


It only took a few replays for me to start singing along with the song.

"Well if you don't like girls that are stronger than you and if you don't like girls that are faster than you and if you don't like girls that are smarter than you well then you might not like me!"

Once we got to the mall we walked over to the ice cream parlor. I had handed Mina back her headphones and I was definitely in a better mood than when we had left.

We ordered our favorites and sat down in the nice seating space outside the shop. "Feeling a little better (Y/N)?" I nodded. "Definitely. Thank you so much for forcing me out of my room, I need it." Mina giggled. "Yeah, we know!" "We're glad we could help." Momo gave me a soft smile.

"Oh~ I think you've caught someone's attention~!" I looked over to where Uraraka was looking. It was our classmates, I was confused. 

"Huh? Who? Where?" "They're coming over to sit with us!" Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, and Bakugou were approaching us. I looked at Todoroki and I'll admit I blushed when our eyes met. He had a soft smile on his handsome face. 

I hadn't realized but the girls had moved over and made a space next to me, which Todoroki took while the other three went inside the parlor to buy ice cream.

"Oh, I think Kirishima called me, please excuse me." Momo stood up. "Yeah, I think I heard Bakugou and Kaminari call for us Mina!" Uraraka and Mina stood up and followed Momo inside the shop.

Todoroki looked confused. "Am I going deaf, I didn't hear them." I giggled. "I didn't hear them either. So I think we're both going deaf." "It's probably all the yelling Bakugou does." I took a small spoonful of my ice cream and nodded.

"You didn't want any ice cream Todoroki?" I shook his head. "I'm alright, not that much of a fan." He let out a small sigh and stared at me. I awkwardly looked away towards my ice cream.

He moved my head up and towards him. "U-um.." He leaned in and nonchalantly kissed the side of my mouth. He pulled back and suddenly realized what he had done. His cheeks flushed red and mike did too. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me.. Y-you had a small amount of ice cream on the corner of your mouth a-and.." I gave him a small smile and looked away. "I-it's okay... Thank you I s-suppose.." 

Suddenly Bakugou came out from the shop and stood over us. "(Y/N) be my girlfriend." "Huh?!" I looked at Bakugou shocked, confused, and alarmed. Todoroki stood up and pushed Bakugou back. "As if she'd date you." Bakugou got an irk mark over his head. "I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU DUMBASS! It's embarrassing seeing you attempt to flirt with her!!" 

I felt my cheeks heat up again. Todoroki looked back at me with a very 'Tamaki' facial expression. He extended his hand towards me and I took it. He pulled me up. "Let's go to some stores. I brought my father's credit card with me." I gave him a smile. "Sounds like a plan."

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