• Izuku Midoriya • (1)

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Trigger Warning.

This One-Shot will deal with Abuse. Please skip this chapter if it will trigger you or make you uncomfortable. I, by no means, mean to make lite of any abuse, it is a serious issue. Please help those or reach out for help if you or someone you know is going through something.

Abused Fem! Reader

I took a deep breath in, trying to subdue my trembling hands. In them was a tray with drinks for my two teachers and pro heroes, All Might and Eraserhead, that had come by to get my mother to let me live in UA's new dorms. My home is what you can call a broken home. My father left my mother because she would abuse him with her quirk. She, by whatever 'miracle', got custody of me. I grabbed a note I had written and stuffed it in my pocket before going into the living room.

"We want to keep working with your daughter, she has the makings of a great hero with her amazing quirk." My mother gave them a very 'friendly' smile. "Oh! How nice of you to think that, but my daughter has decided she no longer wants to be a hero. She wants to help with the bills. Her father and I are divorced. If she must finish this year at UA because of payments then she will live here with me. I refuse to sign." I set the tray down and stood next to my mother, I looked at the ground. I could not look into my teacher's eyes.

"Miss (Mothers/Name), if you would allow us to explain the benefits this would bring to your daughter." "We will provide all the needed necessities and more for our students." My mother crossed her arms and dropped the smile. "I refuse to let my daughter live there!!" She stood up angrily. "Now! You are both no longer welcomed here, teachers, pro heroes or not!" I heard shuffling. "(Y/N)!" I flinched and looked up at her. "Show them out, and hurry back! We need to have a little chat!" "Yes, m-mother."

I walked past her and past my teachers, leading them to the front door. "Young (Y/N), is everything alright?" "How often does it happen." Aizawa sensei asked in an alarmed tone. I looked at them afraid. "I d-don't know what you g-guys are t-talking about.." "I see the situation is very serious. We'll get you out of here."

I shook my head. "I don't know what you guys are talking about! Everything is fine, please. My mother and I are fine!" I grabbed the note in my pocket and 'shoved' Aizawa Sensei. "Goodbye.!"

I stepped back and closed the door in front of them. "(Y/N)!!! Come here you damned mistake!" I looked back towards the living room in fear. I clenched my fists and made my way to her.

"Good job on hiding the bruises but what the hell did I tell you about shaking!!" She came up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders. "You're not going anywhere!! You can't! I still need your sorry ass as an excuse for money!!" She shoved me back and turned around.

"Bring me my needles. Hurry up!!" She turned to look at me menacingly. "I've run out of patience!!" I ran into their bedroom and grabbed her stash of needles and the tourniquet. I rushed back to her and placed them next to her.

"Leave me the hell alone you piece of shit!! Get out of here!! You're the reason your father left!!" I stepped back in fear, she was starting to yell, which leads to her throwing and breaking things, which leads to her beating me with her whip laced with her poison quirk. This leads to me laying on the floor beaten and bloody with new bruises to cover up in the morning.

"What the hell are you staring at bitch?!!" She grabbed her whip and snapped it. I flinched backward.

"Nothing to say? You're just like your pathetic father!" She activated her quirk and snapped at me. "Aghh..!" I clenched my arm trying to apply pressure to the now fresh wound.

"M-mother please s-stop.." "Are you talking back?!" She snapped me again, over and over. My arms and legs were bleeding, burning, and aching. I have to leave, I have to run away. I can't take this anymore.

I was laying on the ground, in a small 'puddle' of my blood. My hair was sprawled across the floor. I tried to stop my sobbing, which only makes her angrier.

I heard her walk away and then return after a bit. "Clean up your fucking mess." She walked away, I heard the front door open and close behind her. I looked up to make sure she was gone. Once I reassured myself she was, I started sobbing loudly.

"What did I do to deserve this.? Why am I being punished, what did I do to deserve this, someone please answer me.!!" I cried louder. I managed to weakly sit up, my breathing was heavy and rigid.

I eventually managed to stand up, I was leaning against a wall. When she leaves to do who knows what she's usually gone for hours at a time.

"Hey (Y/N)~" I froze. I felt a chill run up my spine. "(Y/N)~ I know you hear me~" I looked up and around the room. "You can't see demons silly girl~" It laughed. "Kill her. Runaway. Kill her. Kill. Kill. KILL!!" I covered my ears. "Go Away!! I'm a hero! I don't kill! Go away!!!" I felt something grab my arms and pull them away from my ears. "Don't disobey me (Y/N)~ I'm just your trauma~ You're fed up, you don't have to take this~"

I shut my eyes, and in front of me was myself. Except I looked, crazy, unhinged, deranged. "Get Away from me! I'm not going to listen to you!" I activated my air quirk and pushed them away. I opened my eyes and they were gone. The living room looked a mess.

"I have to leave.." I made my way to my room and grabbed a backpack I stuffed my school uniforms in there along with some casual wear. I grabbed another one and filled that with necessities. Where was I going, no idea, but I had to go. I turned around and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I frowned.

Dried blood on my body and clothes. I looked and felt dead, drained. I carefully made my way to the restroom and with a soft damp towel cleaned myself the best I could. I went back to my room and grabbed my bags. I put one bag across my shoulders and then put on the other one. I didn't bother to change now, I have to leave in case she decides to come home early. I put on my shoes and walked out of my room. I turned off all the lights and approached the window near the front door.

I looked out, the coast looked clear, but I couldn't be too sure so I decided to go out the back door.

I slowly and carefully managed to go over our fence into the neighbor's lawn. I stayed to the back and kept jumping fences until I found myself out in the open.

I looked around, I had left my neighborhood. I was near some apartment complexes. I gulped. I have a friend that lives here, maybe he could help me just tonight?

I cautiously made my way to the elevator, he lived on one of the top floors. I pressed the button for it to open and waited.

I stepped inside and pressed his floor's button. I held the rail on the sides as the elevator went up. I clutched my phone in my hand. I sent him a message, hoping he was still awake.

The elevator stopped and I walked out and towards his door. I waited before knocking, I was scared. I took in a deep breath and knocked.

After a few seconds the door opened, it was his mother. "Oh my goodness (Y/N)!! Are you okay sweetie?!" I opened my mouth to answer her but I couldn't, all I could do was start sobbing, horribly. She extended her arms and hugged me.

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